Emerging peer and near-peer threats require platoon and company-level aviators to be able to fight and win in complex environments, against a well-prepared enemy force. Advanced Warfighting Skills introduces intermediate-level Warrant Officers aviators (designated as pilot-in-command) TUAS Operations Technicians, and ATC technicians (MOSs 150A, 150U, and 152-155) to the art and science of company-level operations. It provides a foundation of knowledge and a basic orientation to the friendly and enemy force structures, combined arms maneuver at brigade and division levels, and instruction on the role of Army Aviation within the scheme of maneuver. Geared toward large-scale combat operations across multiple domains, attendees can expect thorough instruction on the art and science of analysis, planning, rehearsal, and mission execution.
To attend AWS, enroll via ATRRS through your S3/schools. (2-1-C32).