The U.S Army Aviation Center of Excellence headquarters staff analyzes, assesses, provides staff management oversight and recommends for decision all activities affecting Army Aviation policy, command guidance and the development, implementation and execution of processes to support the command in meeting its mission.
The staff facilitates the coordination and dissemination of Army Aviation operational concepts, plans, doctrine and training to the Combined Army Center, Army Capabilities Integration Center, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command's Deputy Commanding General for Initial Military Training, and the TRADOC Headquarters.
The staff also supports AVCOE subordinate units in executing command initiatives to include aviation officer, warrant officer, noncommissioned officer and enlisted training, leader development and education, aviation force development and the development and integration of Army Aviation capabilities.
AVCOE Vision
Generate and Develop Aviation Leaders of Today while Shaping the Army's Aviation Force of 2030 and beyond.
AVCOE Mission
AVCOE generates highly trained, disciplined, and fit Aviation Soldiers; develops expert leaders of combined arms maneuver; drives changes to fight and win in multi-domain operations; and imparts the aviation warfighter culture across the total Aviation Force.
Key Tasks
Invest in our Soldiers, Families, and Civilians; they are our number one priority
Identify and acquire diverse military and civilian talent needed to lead, fight, and win complex operational environments
Deliver aviation training and education to maximize combat power in expeditionary/austere environments
Cultivate and develop agile leaders through adaptive PME and flight/maintenance training
Drive change by modernizing the force and setting the conditions for the Army of 2030
Develop and enhance doctrine to fight and win in Multi-Domain Operations in Large Scale Combat
PME Modernization: Warrant Officer, AVC3, PCC
Create and implement an immersion event to inculcate the Aviation Warfighter Culture
AVCOE Priorities
Leader Development
- Develop combat aviation leaders
- Professional military education
- Increase rigor in initial entry training
- Relevant doctrine reviews and updates
- Project Athena
- Talent management
- Instructor pilots (Project Warrior)
- AIT complex
- Army Combat Fitness Test
- Engagement/outreach opportunities
- Training areas, classrooms and ranges
Drive Change
- Modernize the Force:
Reach: FARA, FLRAA, and Improved Turbine Engine Program
Protection: Aircraft Survivability Equipment, Training Support Packages, and Emergency Response Methodology
Lethality: Long Range Precision Munitions, Lightweight Precision Munitions, and FUAS/ALE
Sustainment: Modular Open Systems Approaches, expeditionary, austere, conditions-based maintenance+
- DOTMLPF-P synchronization for the fielded and future force
- Future Vertical Lift integration
- Reform the Aviation Professional Career Model
- Funding