ARIMS, the Army Records Information Management System, is a role-based system managed and operated by the US Army Records Management and Declassification Agency (RMDA). Its primary purpose is to provide authorized personnel with web-based tools and technology to manage both hardcopy and electronic Army records. To learn more see below.
What is an ORL and why do I need an ORL?
Office Records List (ORL) is a subsystem, which allows an authorized user from a unit to create ORL's. The ORL contains the ARIMS record category, category description, record title, record description, disposition, privacy act number, disposition authority, record number, permanent record status, prescribing directives and other pertinent information. In Accordance with AR 25-400-2, Office Records Lists are required and will be prepared to the greatest extent possible.
References & Regulations
ARIMS References
ARIMS Regulations
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a Federal law that establishes the public's right to existing records from Government agencies. The FOIA provides for prompt, maximum release of Department of Defense records to the public unless such requested records are specifically exempted from mandatory public disclosure under the FOIA. Only the Secretary of the Army and the Initial Denial Authority (IDA) may deny a request for Army records.
How do I file a FOIA?
Any person can file a FOIA request, including U.S. citizens, foreign nationals, organizations, universities, business, and state and local government.
References & Regulations

Forms and Publications
To get assistance or approval of a new form or installation publication, contact the Installation Forms and Publications Control Manager at 706-545-1621. To learn more, refer to:
Office Symbols
We are located in the Soldier for Life Center, building 9230, room 1444. For more information, call 706-545-1621. To learn more, refer to:
- AR 25-1 Army Knowledge Management and Information Technology
- USA MCoE PAM 25-51 Office Symbols
(Internal Fort Moore Network Only) - AR 25-59 Office Symbols
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is any information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity. It is any personal information which is linked or linkable to a specified individual. PII can be hard copy or electronic records stored within data bases or other applications on computers, laptops, and personal electronic devices such as blackberries.

Military Post Office - Official Mail
If you have official mail that needs to the mailed, take it to the Mail and Distribution Center, in the Soldier for Life Center, building 9230. For more information, call 706-545-6070. To learn more, check out FAQs below.
How do I find the plus 4 of my zip code?
If you do not know the zip plus 4, you can contact the main post office or the official mail and distribution center located in the Soldier for Life Center, building 9230.
Where do I store my inactive files so that I will have access to them later?
Inactive files should be electronically filed in accordance with ARIMS . As of 1 January 2018 the Installation Record Holding Area, building 9230 is officially closed. Please contact the Installation Records Holding Area Manager at 706-545-1466 for more information.
Where do I go to locate orders/files that are inactive?
Orders and files that were prepared and are now inactive can be located by contacting the Installation Records Holding Area Manager at 706-545-1466.
I have a new mail clerk, is there training available for him?
Mailroom training is available and is conducted on a monthly basis. Quotas can be obtained by contacting the Installation Mail and Distribution Center at 706-545-2870.