Total Army Sponsorship Program
Soldiers PCSing to Fort Moore will need to use ARMY CAREER TRACKER'S Total Army Sponsorship Program to request a sponsor and initiate the DA Form 5434 (Sponsorship Program Counseling and Information Sheet).
The Total Army Sponsorship Program, or TASP, is accessed on the ARMY CAREER TRACKER WEBSITE and for processing sponsorship requests, and is required to process permanent change of station orders to the installation.
TASP aims to help Soldiers better integrate into the U.S. Army and to assist them when they transition to different units. Sponsorship applies to all active component Soldiers in ranks E-1 through O-6, according to TASP REGULATION, AR 600-8-8 and HQDA EXORD 161-15 Army-wide implementation of the TASP ACT module for active duty Soldiers.
Mission success depends on the well-being of a Soldier and his/her Family. Soldiers, Families, and Army Civilians encounter increased stress during transition. TASP reduces transition stress and helps Army personnel safely relocate and integrate into new units, installations, and communities, thus enhancing Army readiness
You will be notified by HUMAN RESOURCES COMMAND about your assignment instructions and PCS orders. You will receive a sponsor notification and welcome letter, as well as a reminder to complete DA Form 5434, sections 1, 2, 4 and 5.
Here’s how to request a sponsor using TASP once you have received notification from HRC concerning your assignment instructions:
Complete DA Form 5434. In the left column, click the Messages dropdown menu and click DA Form 5434.
Click Create New Form.
Fill out all applicable sections (Sections 1, 2, 4 and 5).
Once complete, your sponsor will be notified.
You will receive notification in the Messages section if your sponsor changes in ACT.
Quick Start Guide

Soldiers PCSing to the Fort Moore will need to use ARMY CAREER TRACKER'S TOTAL ARMY SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM to request a sponsor and initiate the DA Form 5434 (Sponsorship Program Counseling and Information Sheet).
To reach Fort Moore's Sponsorship Liaison, call 706-545-1131 or email the Sponsorship Mailbox by CLICKING HERE. Or contact the unit POCs listed here.