In and Out Processing Center
The In/Outprocessing Center focuses on installation clearance procedures and individual Soldier readiness verification. The various installation agencies needed to welcome and depart permanent party Soldiers and their families from Fort Moore are organized by this area. In/outprocessing and replacement operations functions include use of an automated support system for installation processing and appointments, initial installation sign-in, processing Soldiers with installation agencies to initiate/terminate services, and installation clearance approval. Additional processing is completed by unit commanders after installation inprocessing and prior to installation outprocessing. To learn more, check out our frequently asked questions below.
Do I have to have an out processing appointment to clear the installation?
Yes, it is necessary to have an appointment to clear the installation.
What are the procedures for getting an appointment?
To request an out processing appointment contact your unit S1 or brigade S1; they will tell you what documents are needed to begin the process. Your S1 will forward your documents to the In/Out Processing Office. Once the documents are received by the In/out Processing Office; an Installation Clearing Schedule will be forwarded to the S1 via email with the appointment dates and times to begin your out processing.
What documentation is needed to make a clearing appointment?
To get an out processing appointment, provide your S1 with the following documents:
- If chaptering, ETS’ing, or retiring: Orders/ with amendments if applicable, DA Form 31 (Leave Form) if applicable, and a copy of DA Form 2648 (ACAP Checklist).
- If PCSing, stateside documents needed are: Orders/with amendments if applicable, DA Form 31 (leave form) if applicable, and completed DA Form 5434 (Sponsorship Program Counseling Program Counseling and Information Sheet).
- If PCSing overseas, documents needed are: Orders/with amendments if applicable, DA Form 31 (leave form), port call information, DA Form 4036-R (Medical and Dental Preparation for Overseas Movement Form), and completed DA Form 5434 (Sponsorship Program Counseling Program Counseling and Information Sheet).
- Soldiers on orders to Task Force Sinai are required to have an official US Passport with Egyptian visa. Clearance papers will not be issued until they have received their passport/visa.
Your S1 will email these documents to include a copy of DA Form 137-1 (Unit Clearance Papers) to the In/Out Processing Office.
For those Soldiers going to Task Force Sinai, provide proof of US Passport with Egyptian visa. Once the documents are received by the In/Out Processing Office; an Installation Clearing Schedule will be forwarded to the S1 via email with the appointment dates and times to begin your out processing.
Where do I go on Fort Moore to pick up installation clearing papers?
For Soldiers assigned to Fort Benning installation clearing papers can be picked up from your unit S1; all others report to the out processing office located in building 35, room, 180, Ridgway Hall. The hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday.
How Many Days Do I get to clear the installation?
Your unit can grant you a minimum of three days up to 10 days prior to your leave date in order to clear.
What work centers do I have to attend in order to in process the installation?
The following Work Centers are required (they must be cleared to in process):
- Medical (MEDPROS, TRICARE, Dental)
- Housing (if applicable)
- Finance/Travel
- Financial Readiness (If Fort Benning is your first duty station)
- Newcomers Orientation
- Child and Youth Services (if applicable)
- Sponsorship
- Resiliency Training
How long does it take to in process into the installation?
On average, inprocessing can take anywhere from five to 10 days depending on your needs.
What are the procedures for getting an appointment?
To request an out processing appointment contact your unit S1 or brigade S1; they will tell you what documents are needed to begin the process. Your S1 will forward your documents to the In/Out Processing Office. Once the documents are received by the In/out Processing Office; an Installation Clearing Schedule will be forwarded to the S1 via email with the appointment dates and times to begin your out processing.
When will I get my orders assigning me to my new unit?
After completing inprocessing to the installation, you will receive your orders.
Where do I sign in from PCS leave?
Installation Replacement Operations is located in Ridgway Hall, building 35, (across from the Fort Benning Community Club). Hours of Operation are 5:50 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. (closed on weekends, training and federal holidays). Call, 706-545-4577 or 705-545-3608 for more information.
After hours, on weekends, and holidays report to McGinnis-Wickam Hall, building 4. There are strip maps in front of building 2607 for Soldiers to pick up. The telephone number For McGinnis-Wickam Hall Staff Duty is 706-545-2218
How do I get to the Replacement Center?
Depending on the starting point, there are several checkpoints to get onto post. To get on post, the installation is operating on a 100% ID check system when entering the gates. The following are various ways to enter post and directions to get to the Replacement Center from that access point:
Interstate 185 South- Access Point
Take I-185 South to the Fort Benning Main Gate. After clearing the access point, continue on that road for approximately 4.5 miles. At the second traffic light, turn right on to South Lumpkin Road. Travels abut 1 1/2 miles Turn left onto Morrison Avenue; Bldg 35 is the large pink colored building on your right. Parking is available on both sides of the building.
Do I have to be in uniform when I sign in?
No. Upon arrival to the Replacement Center, it is not necessary to be in uniform to sign in, inprocessing will start the following morning unless it is a weekend or holiday.
What if I have an emergency while on leave or in transit and need extend my leave?
If you need to extend your leave, contact the Army Travelers’ Assistance Center at (800) 582-5552.
Promotions Work Center
Welcome to the Promotions Work Center where our mission is to provide quality service to the Commanders and Soldiers assigned to Fort Moore. This military personnel services function involves de-centralized promotions (PV2-specialist) managed at the unit level. The Adjutant General provides oversight ensuring monthly waiver allocations are not exceeded as required by regulatory guidance. It also handles SGT/SSG promotion actions, senior NCO promotions, officer promotions, and other HQDA Selection Boards. Soldiers assigned to 3/3rd IN BCT are supported by their Brigade S1. AG also supports the other installation's units.
For HQDA promotion/selection boards, the AG provides commanders a listing of installation eligible Soldiers based on the published zone of consideration. HQDA suspense for evaluation reports, photographs, officer/enlisted records briefs, and individual communications are specified.
Release of HQDA Promotion/Selection Lists are handled via Microsoft Public Folders in Fort Moore's email system. One day prior to the official release date, AG will post the pre-positioned board results in the Commander's Directory. Only those granted access would be able to see the pre-positioned list. On the official release date at 0730, the board results will be moved to the AG public folder for review. To learn more see below.
How can I add points to my promotion packet?
A Soldier must ensure his/her Enlisted Records Brief (ERB) is updated prior to adding promotion points. A Soldier can either add promotion points through his/her AKO account or through his/her battalion S1. Any item not listed on the ERB must be forwarded to the Promotion Work Center to remain as a permanent part of the promotion packet. Updating the ERB doesn’t automatically update the promotion points in the system. A Soldier must do a reevaluation of his/her points to update the total promotion points that are reflected on the AAA C10 report.
I recently PCS'd to Fort Moore and I don't have my promotion packet, what must I do?
- The gaining command must take prompt action to request missing documents from the Soldier’s former command.
- If the promotion packet cannot be obtained, but promotion board proceedings or the original initial DA Form 3355 signed by the promotion authority is available and the Soldier’s losing command can verify recommended list status, then the promotion work center may reconstruct the Soldier’s promotion packet and integrate the Soldier onto the list.
- Soldiers whose promotion packet was lost and cannot be reconstructed within 90 days of arrival in command must appear before a promotion board to gain valid recommended list status. The promotion work center will notify the promotion authority, in writing, of the suspense date after the Soldier’s arrival in the command.
What is the criterion for a Soldier to appear before a promotion board?
The time requirement for board appearance is the first day of the board month for:
- Soldiers competing for promotion to SSG must have 70 Months TIS and 8 Months TIG (Primary Zone) and 46 Months TIS and 5 Month TIG with a waiver (Secondary Zone).
- Soldiers competing for promotion to SGT must have 34 Months TIS and 4 Months TIG (Primary Zone) and 16 Months TIS and 4 Month TIG with a waiver (Secondary Zone).
- The gaining command must take prompt action to request missing documents from the Soldier’s former command.
- If the promotion packet cannot be obtained, but promotion board proceedings or the original initial DA Form 3355 signed by the promotion authority is available and the Soldier’s losing command can verify recommended list status, then the promotion work center may reconstruct the Soldier’s promotion packet and integrate the Soldier onto the list.
- Soldiers whose promotion packet was lost and cannot be reconstructed within 90 days of arrival in command must appear before a promotion board to gain valid recommended list status. The promotion work center will notify the promotion authority, in writing, of the suspense date after the Soldier’s arrival in the command.
How do I get my WLC/BNCOC added as graduated on the MEL/MES on the ERB?
This action can’t be performed by the Promotion Work Center. A Soldier must provide the documentation proving he/she is a graduate of WLC/BNCOC (i.e. DA Form 1059 or a document from other branches of service indicating completions). The Promotion Work Center will forward to the request to HRC for updating/processing.
How does the Soldier who is in an Active Airborne slot get the 20 points versus the 5 points for being airborne qualified?
Any Soldier with an SQI of P, V, or S, will have the option (a radio button) to select the corresponding badge (Parachutist, Senior, or Master), but must be in a valid airborne slot on the Unit Manning Roster before he will be awarded the positional promotion points.
Can a WTU Soldier who received a profile during deployment but has not taken an APFT in the last 12 months appear before a promotion board?
Yes, a WTU Soldier may appear before a promotion board. However, the Company Commander must write a memorandum indicating the soldier could not take an APFT due to no fault of his/her own and note the last recorded APFT score and date (if not already in eMILPO). The HR specialist will use the score of the last record APFT and the new date will be the date the commander signed the memorandum. This case also applies to pregnant soldiers.
How do I request WLC equivalency?
A Soldier must submit a DA Form 4187 requesting the WLC/BNCOC equivalency to the Promotion Work Center. All supporting documentation (i.e. DA Form 1059 from other branches of service or Reserve Components) must be attached. The Promotion Work Center will verify documentation and forward to the NCOES Branch for approval/disapproval.
Enlisted and Officer Records Work Center
Welcome to the Enlisted and Officer Records Work Center where our mission is to provide quality service to the Commanders, Soldiers, and S1s assigned to Fort Moore. This military personnel services function includes update of Military Personnel Files (MPF) and in/out processing.
Soldiers should update their MPFs annually, before deployment, and before promotion board actions. The most critical information to keep current (as often as it might change) is the Record of Emergency Data (DD Form 93) and Servicemen's Group Life Insurance elections (SGLV). AG operates MPF audits by appointment, but will process changes to DD 93 & SGLV on a walk-in-basis.
All MPFs are maintained by the units (typically at battalion level) for assigned permanent party Soldiers. AG still provides update support to units, except for Personnel Services Delivery Redesign (PSDR) units. This includes updates of the Officer Records Briefs (ORB - TOPMIS database), Enlisted Record Briefs (ERB - eMILPO database), and posting documents to Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) at HQDA.
The Army changed the policy for evaluation processing in order to support PSDR and all three components. This new procedure is a total system solution that provides electronic forms, electronic signatures, easy routing capability between users, automatic fill of administrative information, regulatory logic imbedded in the forms and electronic processing to HRC and EREC. Effective 12 October 2006, all evaluation processing will be managed by the units. To learn more, see below.
How do I correct my Official Military Personnel File (OMPF)?
To correct your OMPF, you may access the HRC website at Follow the instructions listed on that page, as appropriate.
What documents are needed to update my Enlisted Records Brief (ERB)/Officer Records Brief (ORB)?
To update an ERB or ORB, you will need: Copies of Award Certificates (DA Form 638 for downgraded awards only), Orders for badges, medals , Official College Transcripts, Certificate of Completion or DA Form 1059 for Schools, and NCOERs/OERSs for Assignment History update only.
How do I start or stop the Family Service member Group Life Insurance (FSGLI)?
Family Service Group Life insurance starts automatically when your spouse is entered in DEERS. If you are single with children, children are automatically covered if you have SGLV. To stop or reduce the amount of coverage for FSGLI, you must fill out SGLV 8286A and submit to the Personnel Services Branch (PSB). If previously declined FSGLI, you must fill out SGLV 8285A first and SGLV 8286A and then submit to PSB. You will receive your DD Form 214 after receiving the final clearance stamp from the Installation out-processing center in building 35.
I have been told I need a statement of service (DA Form 1506); what are the documents are needed?
The documents that are needed to get a statement of service are the following:
- Leave and Earnings Statement (LES)
- Copy of Pay History from Finance (if no LES is available)
- All DA Form 1059s
- DD Form 220-Active Duty Report
- DD Form 368- Request for Conditional Release from Reserve or Guard Components
- NGB 23-Army National Guard Retirement Points History Statement
- Orders (i.e. ADSW, ADT, AT, COTTAD, TTAD, COADOS, ADOS, Mobilization)
- Copy of Current ERB/ORB
- All DD Form 214-Certificate of Release of Discharge from Active Duty
- Enlistment Contracts (DD Form 4/1, 4/2 and 4/3
- NGB 22-Report of Separation and Record of Service
- DRAP from 249-Army Reserve Retirement Points History Statement
- DA Form 4187-Personnel Actions-for Identification of AWOL Time
How often should I update my DD93/SGLV?
You should update your DD93/SGLV every three years or when changes occur.
What is the Date Initially Entered Military Service (DIEMS) date?
This is the date an individual was initially enlisted, inducted, or appointed in a regular or reserve component of a uniformed service as a commissioned officer, warrant officer, or enlisted member.
How do I correct my DIEMS date?
You can update your DIEMS through the HRC website at You must validate your date; if you receive an error message, please send email to the address provided on the site.
Soldier Actions Section
Welcome to the Soldier Actions Work Center where our mission is to provide quality service to the Commanders and Soldiers assigned to Fort Moore. This military personnel services function involves processing awards (the CG, Fort Moore has approval authority for recommendations for award of the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM). All MSM award recommendations must be submitted to the AG via email using the automated awards format for processing. All awards (LOM or higher) must be submitted to the AG for processing in hard copy format for further processing), individual Soldier requests and Board actions such as Officer Candidate School (OCS). It also includes the installation voting assistance program.
Individual Soldier actions include requests for service schools, Married Army Couples, naturalization, leave & temporary duty outside CONUS (country clearance required), compassionate reassignments, and others.
Many foreign countries require a theater and/or country clearance for active duty Soldiers on leave/TDY, and DOD Civilians/Contractors on TDY. Proper documentation must be submitted to the Directorate of Human Resources, Military Personnel Division, Soldier Actions Branch, Room, 165, Bldg 35, not later than 35 days prior to the individual's date of arrival in the foreign country. It is imperative the 35 day threshold is met to give the overseas command ample lead time for processing purposes.
- OCONUS LEAVE: Documents required for OCONUS leave:
- DA Form 4187 (Remarks section: Country or countries to be visited, dates of travel, purpose of travel, complete point of contact information (such as, name, address and phone number), travel itinerary and passport number, if applicable. DA Form 4187/4187-1 must be signed by battalion level commanders.
- Current Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection Level 1 (ATFP) briefing (BLDG 35, Room 160 every Wednesday at 1 p.m.).
- SERE 100 Code of Conduct Training Certificate (access thru AKO).
- Pro-File (Isolated Personnel Report/ISOPREP) Certificate: , if experiencing problem with this link contact: Operations Support Team Comm: (586)239-3701
- There may be additional requirements for things such as a force protection plan and AOR update briefing. If so, the DA Form 4187 should specify the date of the briefing/plan and the name of the person who approved the plan/briefing. See the Department of Defense Foreign Clearance Guide at for additional guidance.
- OCONUS TDY: Documents required for OCONUS TDY:
- Completed TRADOC Form 712-R. This form must be approved by 06 level Commanders/Directors or higher.
- Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection Level 1 training completion certification.
For additional information call 706-545-5643.

Location & Hours
We are located in Ridgway Hall, building 35, room 200. Hours are Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To learn more, see below:
In & Out Processing Center, located in room 239, open from 5:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, call 706-545-3608 to learn more.
Retirement Services, located in room 108.
Length of Service Retirement: 706-545-2715 or 706-545-1805.
Medical Retirement: 706-545-2715.
Survivors Benefit Plan: 706-545-1805.
Transition Center, located in room 101.
Permanent Party Separations: 706-545-8695 or 706-545-5400.
Trainee Separations: 706-545-5400.
Pre-Separation (ETS) Briefing: 706-545-8695 or 706-545-5400.
Chapters: 706-545-5406.