What We Do
Our responsibilities include personnel manning for officer assignments, enlisted assignments, and unit readiness, review of Headquarter Department of the Army manning targets, requisitions for special skills, processing of incoming installation permanent party gains to units, assignment verification during in processing, unit readiness reporting for personnel (NetUnit Status Reporting for U.S. Forces Command), classifications, and special duty pay for permanent party personnel.
Please see below for information on applying for a no-fee/official/diplomatic passport. Keep the following in mind:
- Processing times for all Passports are six to eight weeks
- Everyone MUST be present for Passport Appointment
- Travel orders for all applicants are required at the time of processing
Hours & Location are Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We are located in building 35, room 300. To learn more call the Passport Support Coordinator: at 706-545-3644 or the Passport Agent at 706-545-7709.
What's Required
DS-11 (Application for a US Passport)
(DO NOT sign until you are in the presence of a Passport Agent)
- Go to website https://pptform.state.gov/. YOU MUST COMPLETE THE APPLICATION ONLINE, print ONLY pages 5 & 6.
- Question 21 will ask if you had ever been issued a Passport Book, Card or NEITHER... your reply should be NEITHER. ONLY select yes, if you have been issued a no fee passport, official passport, and/or diplomatic passport. If you answered YES, a DS 82 will be generated.
DS-82 (Passport Renewal Application)
Go to website https://pptform.state.gov/
(Only original documents or certified copies from the issuing agency)
(To order additional Birth Certificates, you can at: www.vitalchek.com
- Birth certificates (no hospital certificate, abstracts of birth, or notary copies)
- Certificate of Naturalization / Certificate of Citizenship
- Consular Report of Birth Abroad
- US Passport
- Marriage License/Certificate (for spouses traveling with Soldier)
- Social Security Card (for verification of social security number)
- Identification (Copies of Military ID, CAC Card, or Driver’s License ---- for sponsor, spouse, and dependents 16 yrs and older)
Passport Photos
Passport photos are available in Johnston Hall, Bldg 3020 located on Sand Hill.
(It’s MANDATORY to schedule your photos appointment online). Web address: www.vios-east.army.mil
- 2 - 2 x 2 for passport
- 2 - 2 x 2 for visa class="bold red"(depending on country traveling to)
- Passport photos must be in color and taken in presentable/casual attire. PROHIBITED: NO EYE GLASSES, hats, military uniforms, work clothing, t-shirts, multicolored sport shirts, halter tops, spaghetti straps, etc.
- Background must be white or off white.
If time does not permit, you are able to purchase passport photos at any Post Office, Walgreens, CVS, Rite-Aid, Wal-Mart, or any place that takes passport photos.
DS 3053 (Statement of Consent or Special Circumstances: Issuance of a Passport to a Minor under Age 16)
Needed if both biological parents are on the birth certificate and only one is available for signature. This document must be completed by the absent parent and signed and dated in front of a notary public. A copy of the absent parent’s id must be submitted along with this document for processing. If the custodial parent has been granted sole custody thru the courts, this document is not needed. This form can be found. www.google.com search box, type DS3053
Frequently Asked Question
Can I ask for an assignment choice for a particular unit?
Assignments are made based on the needs of the installation and required mission. There are some considerations for particular specialties such as instructors (airborne, snipers, NCOA, master gunners, and others). Based on qualification and experience, a Soldier may request a particular assignment.
Where do I go to sign into the installation as a new arrival to Fort Moore?
All Soldiers must sign in at installation Replacement Center, Building 35, Ridgway Hall, 35 Ridgway Loop, on main post. Replacement Center is 0700 – 1600, Monday thru Friday. Weekends and holidays, incoming Soldiers must sign in at McGinnis Wickman Hall (MWH), Bldg. 4, with Staff Duty NCO.
Can I pick up my PCS reassignment orders from AG Reassignment Section?
Only clerks assigned to the brigade S1 are authorized to pick up orders. The Soldier may pick up orders only when coordinated by the Brigade S1.
How long does it take to get permanent change of station reassignment orders?
Basic PCS orders are processed usually within 5-7 days of receipt of the cap cycle. Orders on personnel being assigned to overseas locations or special assignment (Recruiting, drill sergeant, etc.) are processed upon receipt of the necessary documentation.
When do I get my overseas reassignment briefing and where?
Reassignment briefings are scheduled through the S-1 within 30 days of receipt of the weekly cap cycle. The scheduled briefings are held each Tuesday at 9 a.m., Bldg. 35, room 219 (Walker Hall), Ridgway Hall, 35 Ridgway Loop.
How can I find out where I will be assigned upon arrival?
To find out where a Soldier will be assigned upon arrival, call Strength Management Branch for assignment information. For enlisted assignments, a Soldier can call 706-545-6061 or 706-545-8790 and for officer assignments, call 706-545-5240 or 706-545-5241. Assignments are made to brigade level only. Brigade S1's and separate battalion S1's will further assign the Soldier down to battalion and company level.
How do I get my drill sergeant pay started?
Upon in-processing the installation, the drill sergeant manager, located in building 35, room 209, Ridgway Hall, will interview each newly assigned drill sergeant. At that time, the drill sergeant manager publishes special duty assignment orders, initiating drill pay. The drill sergeant manager hand carries the SDAP orders to finance for processing.
Who is an Exceptional Family member (EFM)?
A family member with any physical, emotional, developmental, or intellectual disorder that requires special treatment, therapy, education, training, or counseling.
Who must enroll in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)?
Soldiers with exceptional Family members (children and adults):
- Active Army
- U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers in the USAR Active Guard Reserve Program.
- The Army National Guard AGR personnel serving under authority of 10 USC and 32 USC
How do I enroll my family in the EFMP?
Completion of DD Form 2792 (Exceptional Family Member Medical Summary) constitute enrollment in the EFMP for Tri-Service Medical Care extended Health Option enrollment purposes.
Where can I get a DA Form 5434 (Sponsorship Program Counseling and Information Sheet) to request a sponsor?
To request a sponsor, all personnel must register in Army Career Tracker (ACT) database. Once registered you can complete an online Sponsorship Form (DA Form 5434). To obtain sponsorship information visit Army Career Tracker by clicking here.
Can I request for a sponsor when I arrive at my new duty station?
Yes. Reactionary sponsorship will be offered to all Soldiers in ranks private (E-1) through colonel (O-6), and civilian employees through grades GS-15, who arrive at the installation without an assigned sponsor.

Location & Hours
We are located in Ridgway Hall, building 35. Hours are Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To learn more, call 706-545-4103.