FAQs: Trainee & Students Actions

Actions Section


It is a Servicemen's Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate. This form allows a Soldier to obtain life insurance coverage with minimum coverage of $50,000 and a maximum of $400,000 worth of coverage. This coverage is paid for by the Soldier through payroll deduction each month.


The Record of Emergency Data provides information to the organization in case of illness, injury or death of a soldier. Based on the information on this form, the next of kin is notified. This coverage is provided by the organization and has a cash value of 100,000 dollars. These funds are released to the next of kin within 72 hours of a soldier's death to cover immediate expenses.


A DA Form 1506 is a Statement of Service for Computation of Length of Service for Pay Purposes. Soldiers attending ABOLC/IBOLC must go through their respective S1 to request this action and provide supporting documentation to support the time period in question. Supporting documents include all DD Forms 214s (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty), Enlistment contracts, DD Forms 220 (Active Duty Report), NGB Forms 22 (National Guard Report of Separation and Record of Service, ROTC/SMP contractions, Retirement point sheets from HRC.