The Directorate of Emergency Services provides law and order, fire and emergency services and protection operations. Its main mission is to provide a safe and secure environment for the service members, civilians and families that work, live or visit Fort Moore.
The Directorate of Human Resources provides the Fort Moore community with essential support services to enhance the quality of life for those who work, live, and raise families on post and and in the surrounding communities.
The Directorate of Public Works provides, operate, repair, and maintain the installation’s real property facilities; perform minor and major construction; housing; provide space management; conduct long range master planning; and manage energy, environmental, historical cultural, and natural resources programs.
Implementing a viable Equal Employment Opportunity Program for the Home of the Maneuver Center of Excellence, which provides a work environment free of discrimination based on race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or physical/mental disability.
The Fort Moore Internal Review (IR) office serves as the Commander's principal advisor for internal audits. IR is an independent and objective review and analysis activity within the command designed to add value and improve command or supported activity operations. IR helps the Commander accomplish mission objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and command oversight.
The installation voting assistance office is available to assist with voter information and registration. All service members, their families, retirees and other U.S. civilian DoD employees of the Fort Benning community have access to the installation voting assistance office.
Religious Support provides a program of religious support services and activities that will ensure: the free exercise of religion; fervent spiritual growth; and quality world-class pastoral care for all Fort Moore's soldiers, families, and authorized civilians.
The Garrison Safety Office assures and maintaining safe and healthful working conditions for the Soldiers, Family members, and civilian workforce in partnership with the Community by employing the highest professional standards and providing exceptional service to Fort Moore.