The Fort Meade Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Office ensures that all of the installation's military personnel and family members are provided equal opportunity and fair treatment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex (gender identity) or sexual orientation and provided an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior. The MEO office processes complaints of discrimination and violation of the Army Harassment Prevention and Response Program (hazing, bullying, and discriminatory harassment) and enhances leadership and readiness by fostering equal opportunity and the prevention of hazing, bullying, and discriminatory harassment through education throughout the installation.

The Military District of Washington MEO and Harassment Hotline: 703-819-3763.  The Hotline provides 24/7 information on MEO and Harassment policies and procedures on how and where to file complaints, the behaviors that constitute discrimination and harassment, and information about the DoD Safe Helpline for sexual assault.  The hotline is an additional avenue for Soldiers to anonymously report incidents of MEO and Harassment.  When calls cannot be answered immediately the MEO professional will respond within 24 hours.

If you're the victim of discrimination:

  • You may file an Anonymous complaint. Complaints where the complainant remains unidentified may be handled as either an informal or a formal complaint and entered in MEO database, as such. The commander will determine if sufficient information is provided to proceed as either an informal or formal complaint. The commander will be identified as the complainant on the DA Form 7279 (Equal Opportunity and Harassment Complaint Form) and in MEO database. If the complaint is processed as an informal complaint, the commander will determine if informing the entire command or part of the organization of the actions taken is appropriate. If during the informal or formal process of an anonymous complaint the identity of the actual complainant is revealed, the complainant will be edited in MEO database, and the actual complainant will be provided the requisite follow-up actions. Actions taken regarding anonymous complaints will depend upon the extent of information provided in the anonymous complaint. If an anonymous complaint contains sufficient information to permit the initiation of an investigation, the investigation will be initiated by the commanding officer or supervisor in accordance with this instruction. If an anonymous complaint does not contain sufficient information to permit the initiation of an investigation, the information should be documented in a Memorandum for Record and maintained on file in accordance with disposition instructions and the central point of contact responsible for processing discrimination and harassment complaints.
  • To file an anonymous complaint individuals can utilize the Military District of Washington 24/7 MEO Hotline at 703-819-3763 or the Fort Meade 24/7 MEO Hotline at 301-708-8023. In the event that the hotline cannot be answered, return calls will be made within 24 hours.
  • You may make an informal complaint. An informal complaint is one that a Soldier, cadet, or Family member does not wish to file in writing on a DA Form 7279. Informal complaints may be resolved directly by the complainant addressing the offending party, a peer, or another person in or outside the complainant's chain of command or NCO chain of command, or the MEO professional. Those issues that can be taken care of informally might be resolved through problem identification and clarification of issues, discussion, recognition of inappropriate or misleading behavior, and a willingness to change.
  • You may file a formal written complaint using a DA Form 7279 and swear to the accuracy of the information. Formal complaints require specific actions, are subject to timelines, and require documentation of the actions taken. Complaints must be filed within 60 days of the incident. Complaints made after 60 days may be pursued at the commander's discretion. To file a formal complaint, please contact your servicing Brigade Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA
  • Complaints, except those filed with the I.G., must be acted upon within three calendar days. Complaints filed with an agency against a member of the chain of command will be referred to the next higher commander the chain. All formal complaints will be reported within 72 hours to the first General Courts-Martial Convening Authority in the chain of command.
  • The commander or the investigating officer appointed by the commander has 30 calendar days to investigate the allegations. The commander will meet with the victim and the subject(s) of the complaint to discuss the outcome and results. A 30-day extension may be granted from the next higher commander if circumstances require it. Further extensions can be approved only by the first general officer in the chain of command. Complainants must be notified of extensions.
  • The complainant and/or subject(s) of the complaint have seven calendar days to appeal to the next higher commander if he or she is dissatisfied with the investigation results or actions taken. That commander has 14 days to act on the appeal and provide written feedback on the results. Final decisions on complaints/appeals not resolved at the brigade level rest with the General Courts-Martial Convening Authority.
  • An assessment is conducted by the equal opportunity advisor 30 to 45 days after the final decision of the formal complaint (substantiated and unsubstantiated) to determine the effectiveness of any corrective actions taken and to detect and deter any incidents of reprisal. Reports and recommendations are submitted to the commander on a DA Form 7279-1 no later than 45 days following the final decisions made by the complainants.

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