For most up-to-date office closures and information, please visit our Facebook page by clicking on the icon below:
The XVIII Airborne Corps Legal Assistance Office will be CLOSED on the following days:
December 16-20, 2024 - Corps Half-day Schedule - Doors close at 1145
December 23-24, 2024 - Corps Half-day Schedule - Doors close at 1145
December 25, 2024 - Christmas Holiday - Closed
December 26, 2024 - Corps Training Holiday - Closed
December 27, 2024 - Corps Half-day Schedule - Doors close at 1145
December 30-31, 2024 - Corps Half-day Schedule - Doors close at 1145
January 1, 2025 - New Year's Day - Closed
January 2, 2025 - Corps Training Holiday - Closed
January 3, 2025 - Corps Half-day Schedule - Doors close at 1145
January 17, 2025 - Corps Training Holiday - Closed
January 20, 2025 - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday - Closed
The office is closed on Federal and XVIII Airborne Corps training holidays. We also close periodically for military training obligations.
Legal Assistance Office Hours of Operations (Effective 6 January 2025):
MONDAY: 0900-1200 and 1300-1600
TUESDAY: 0900-1200 and 1300-1600
WEDNESDAY: 0900-1200 (Closed to clients NOT seeking wills) and 1300-1600 (Wills brief begins at 0900, this briefing is MANDATORY, and clients MUST sign in between 0800-0850)
THURSDAY: 0900-1200 (Closed to clients NOT seeking Family Law services) and 1300-1600 (Divorce/Separation brief begins at 0900, this briefing is MANDATORY, and clients MUST sign in between 0800 and 0850)
FRIDAY: 0900-1200
Closed daily for lunch 1200-1300, and the last client will be taken at 1145Powers of attorney and notarial services are offered on a walk-in basis at the following times:MONDAY: 0900-1200TUESDAY: 0900-1200WEDNESDAY: 1300-1600THURSDAY: 1300-1600FRIDAY: 0900-1200
A Military ID is required to schedule an appointment; therefore, appointments cannot be made over the phone.
The office is closed on Federal and XVIII Airborne Corps training holidays. We also close periodically for military training obligations.
Please be advised that we schedule appointments two weeks out. Once the schedule is full, we will be unable to take appointments until we see all clients scheduled for the two weeks prior. There are exceptions for circumstances in which the client cannot wait two weeks.
A Military ID is required to schedule an appointment, therefore appoinments cannot be made over the phone.
-Chief of Legal Assistance
Legal Assistance Office
We provide legal services to Fort Liberty & the local military community.
We are located in the Client Services Office in Wing D of the Soldier Support Center, 1st Floor. If you enter the Soldier Support Center through the main doors, turn left at the information desk and go down the hallway. Client Services will be on your left across from Retiree Services.
APPOINTMENTS: Appointments are made on the first day of the work week starting at 0900. Appointments are made no more than two weeks in advance. Appointments must be made in person to verify eligibility and cannot be scheduled over the phone.
The office currently does NOT make appointments for wills. Clients seeking a will must utilize the walk-in Will Wednesday services.
If you are represented by a civilian attorney on any matter for which you are seeking legal assistance, you must get a written waiver or letter of consent BEFORE we can speak to you.
The following cases are handled on an appointment basis, for all active-duty personnel, retirees, and their family members:
- Consumer Law
- Landlord/Tenant Complaints
- OER and NCOER Appeals
- Line of Duty Investigations
- Wills (while we offer wills, we do NOT make will appointments, clients must utilize the walk-in Will Wednesday services)
- Identity Theft
- FLIPL Rebuttals
- Name Changes
- Debt Collection/Credit Reporting Problems
- Unsigned Contracts
- Memorandums of Reprimand Rebuttals
- Immigration and Naturalization
- Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
- Other IAW Regulations
Legal Assistance Attorneys CANNOT provide advice on the following topics: Military Justice Matters, Civilian Criminal Issues, Private Business Activities (including Landlords), Employment Matters (other than USERRA), or Litigation against the United States.
Advance life directive (living will), health care powers of attorney, and durable powers of attorney are available on a walk-in basis or in conjunction with an appointment.
- Living wills allow you to make decisions about life support.
- Health care powers of attorney allow you to name a person to make medical decisions for you if you become unable to make decisions for yourself.
- Durable financial powers of attorney allow you to name a person to handle your affairs if you become incapacitated.