419th Contracting Support Brigade
Activated in June 2013, the 419th Contracting Support Brigade, at Fort Liberty, N.C., enhances installation and operational contracting support to Army commands. Subordinate to the Mission and Installation Contracting Command (MICC), it provides core customer service through strategically aligned support to commands and installations.
The brigade is made up of more than 400 military and civilian personnel, with seven battalion commanders/directors. Those include the 900th Contracting Battalion at Fort Liberty; 904th CBn at Fort Stewart, Ga.; 922nd CBn at Fort Campbell, Ky.; 925th CBn at Fort Drum, N.Y.; MICC FT McCoy at Fort McCoy, WI.; and MICC Fort Jackson at Fort Jackson, SC. MICC-Fort Liberty provides support services to both Army and Air Force customers. Procurements include supplies, services, minor construction, and utilities.
It is a subordinate unit of the 419th Contracting Support Brigade at Fort Liberty. It is made up of about 125 military and civilian members assigned to the contracting office and 900th Contracting Battalion who are responsible for contracting goods and services in support of Soldiers.