The mission of the Out-Processing Section is to provide quality customer service so Soldiers departing Fort Liberty for a reassignment (PCS) or transition (ETS, Retirement, or other separation) from the Army.
Soldiers will submit a request for the Installation Clearance Record (DA 137-2) through their Unit S1 to usarmy.liberty.usag.mbx.dhr-smd@army.mil.
The request must be comprised of the below documents. The Out-Processing Intake Form and DA 7415 can be found on this website.
Process to Receive DA 137-2 Installation Clearance Record
1. SMs will process through their administrative sections to receive orders, process an applicable absence, as well as receive their DA 137-1 Unit Clearance Record.
2. Required documents will be reviewed/processed by the Unit S1 and sent Installation Out-Processing Section @ usarmy.liberty.usag.mbx.dhr-smd@army.mil.
3. Upon receipt of completed packets, the out-processing section will process packets and take one of the three following actions.
a. Return packet to S1 for corrections.
b. Process and send the S1 a preparatory packet and date to expect the clearing packet.
c. Return completed clearing packet to the S1 for the SM to begin clearing.
4. Upon completion of clearing process, SM will return to the Unit S1 to sign out on leave/out of the unit.
What you will Receive
The S1/SM can expect to receive the below resources from the Out-Processing Section.
1. Completed Out-Processing Intake Form
a. This form will be needed for Final/Pre-Clearance Stamp.
2. DA 137-2 Installation Clearance Record.
3. Brief slideshow explaining clearing process, and explaining the DA 137-2 & DA 137-1 Unit Clearance Record (Can be found on this website).
4. Combined Documents (Can be found on this website)
a. Locations of all offices to be cleared.
b. Instructions to receive Final/Pre-Clearance Stamp.
c. Instructions to clear finance (Separations Only).
Important Information
TDY Enroute
SMs with temporary duty enroute to their gaining installation will need additional documentation.
1. TDY status must be on the PCS orders.
2. These service members will need:
a. Approved absence request covering their travel to the TDY location.
b. DD Form 1610 Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DOD Personnel.
c. Approved absence request covering from end of TDY status to the day prior to report date on the PCS orders.
*Every day between the departure from Ft. Liberty to the report date on the PCS orders must be covered by either the approved absence request or DD Form 1610.
Early Reporting
SMs seeking to report to their next duty station early will need their absence request to cover all the way to the report date on the orders. The gaining unit will arrive the SM in IPPS-A and stop their leave upon arrival.
Administrative Separations
Administrative & Punitive Separations are processed in the most time expedient manner. These options include:
1. Face to face processing in the out-processing office.
2. Direct communication between the transitions section and the out-processing section.
3. Electronic processing by the Unit S1 and the out-processing section.
Administrative separations will be given a specific Out-Processing Intake Form at the Transitions Office when processing for their orders. SMs are to bring that intake form to the Out-Processing section directly. SMs separating under punitive circumstances will need an escort to clear the installation.
Drill Sergeants & Recruiters
Prospective Drill Sergeants and Recruiters can schedule for clearing papers without orders prior to heading to the schoolhouse. The DA 137-2 will not be issued until the SM returns and provides the Out-Processing office with a copy of their orders.
The out-processing section will continue to assist National Guard Soldiers in a student status in a face-to-face manner.
1. These SMs will report to Student Records in the Personnel Service Branch for order amendments and DD214 services.
2. They will then report to the out-processing office to receive their clearing packet.
What can you do while you wait?
Central Issue Facility
To schedule appointments please call 910-396-7039/7045 or 910-907-1866. You can also email to usarmy.liberty.406-afsb-lrc.list.afsbn-liberty-
cif@army.mil or come in person to the CIF location. You only need your orders!
SSC, Ground Floor, Mott Lake Media Room. Briefings are as follows: Tues & Thurs – 1000; CONUS: Mon & Wed – 1430; PPM/DITY: Mon, Wed, Fri – 1030; All Separations – Mon, Wed, Fri – 0900. NOTE: This action can be completed 90 days prior to your departure, and you must have orders.
Post Family Housing
If applicable, go to your Housing Management Office to Schedule the Clearance Appointment.
SFL TAP (Separations Only)
Complete all requirements and have your DD Form 2648 (Service Member Pre-Separation/Transition Counseling and Career Readiness Standards eForm For Service Members Separating, Retiring, Released from Active Duty
Separation Physical
See your medical clinic to schedule and complete a final physical. Not applicable for medical separations.
Unit Clearing
See your S1 to receive unit clearing papers (137-1 Unit Clearance Record). While clearing the unit, update your DD93/SGLI w/in 120 days of final out.
All Separations - DD 214 Review
1. For ETS, REFRAD, Unqualified Resignations & Chapters – Location: Transition Center, SSC, 2nd Floor, Wing B
2. IADT/ADT – Location: PSB, SSC, 2nd Floor, Wing D, PSB, Room 266
Final and Pre-Clearance Stamps
Final (PCS) and Pre-Clearance (Separations) Stamps are given at Window 3 on the 1st Floor SSC, main lobby, opposite from DEERS/ID Cards. Window 3 is open 0900-1130 and 1300-1600.
In accordance with AR 670-1 and Fort Liberty Reg 600-8-101, all personnel will wear the Operational Camouflage Pattern Uniform (OCP) or Army Dress Uniform while out-processing to include scheduling the appointment.
Distribution List
Unit S1s that would like to be added to our distro list can email us at usarmy.liberty.usag.mbx.dhr-smd@army.mil.
Finance & Entitlements
For questions about entitlements, please contact the Finance office on the 1st Floor SSC, Wing J or (910)396-2909.
For questions about passports, please contact the Passports office on the 2nd Floor SSC, Wing D, Rm 272 or (910)432-8149 or (910)396-9545.
For help with separations orders, please see the Transitions Office located on the 2nd Floor SSC, Wing B or (910)907-0126. https://home.army.mil/liberty/my-fort/all-services/transition-center
For help with PCS orders, please see the Reassignments Office located on the 2nd Floor SSC, Wing D or (910)396-8588. https://home.army.mil/liberty/my-fort/all-services/personnel-reassignments-branch