The online appointment scheduler is back online. You are once again able to schedule appointments. To schedule please visit https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/#/. If using a government computer you MUST use site name 101429 to locate the Fort Liberty Soldier Support Center ID Card Facility.
If you are unable to schedule an appointment by using the site; please contact our office at (910) 396-9339.
We are an appointment based facility. All requests for service need to be scheduled. Walk-Ins are seen on an emergency basis. Individual appointments are required for EACH person requiring service or any other DEERS transaction.
All appointments MUST sign in at the receptionist desk upon arrival to the ID Card / DEERS Office.
It is mandatory that ALL customers who are age 18 and older have 2 unexpired forms of ID and the name MUST match. One MUST be a valid state or federal government issued picture ID. Visit https://www.cac.mil/Portals/53/List_of_Acceptable_Documents.pdf?ver=2019-08-20-130159-397 to view list of acceptable identity documents.
The age minimum for dependent children to receive an identification card (ID) is 10 years old.
Sponsor MUST be present EVERYTIME a dependent is serviced. See the following options if you are unable to accompany your dependent - - Visit your local DEERS/ID Card Facility to sign a DD 1172-2 giving your dependent authorization to receive an ID card in your absence or Special DEERS Power of Attorney or General Power of Attorney to conduct business on the sponsor's behalf MUST be provided and in its original form (photocopies are NOT accepted unless it is a certified true copy) or with CAC access visit https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/#/ and select SPONSOR/FAMILY, follow the prompts, select the family member you wish to update and the DD 1172-2 will appear and you can digitally sign. The upload is automatic, no need to print. The form is valid 90 days from the date of the sponsor's signature. (CAC option IS NOT available for enrollment of family members.)
Soldiers MUST be serviced at their Brigade or Gavin Hall
Only Air Force Personnel to include Active Duty, Reserve/National Guard, Retirees, Family Members, and Contractors MUST schedule an appointment with POPE AAF, 384 Maynard St, Bldg 308, (910) 394-1934.
All employees to include contractors MUST schedule appointments by utilizing the intranet link at https://wamcws3004.med.ds.osd.mil/apptscheduler/Main.aspx
Lost or Stolen ID Cards
NOTE: Two (2) valid, unexpired forms of identification must be presented,18 and older,(refer to the FIPS201-2) names must match (all documents must be originals and the primary IDENTIFICATION must be a valid
unexpired state or federal issued photo ID)
If your CAC was lost or stolen, here's what you need to do:
Active Duty Military:
• Get a counseling statement from your 1SG or Commander
• Bring the both signed statements to Brigade S1 or ID Card Facility make an appointment for a new CAC
Civilian Employees:
• Get a memorandum signed by your Supervisor or Division Chief
• Bring the both signed statements to the ID Card Facility or make an appointment for a new CAC
• Get a Memorandum signed by your Supervisor or Division Chief
• Bring the both signed statements to the ID Card Facility or make an appointment for a new CAC
Family Members / Dependents:
For Family members / dependents,what you need to bring to the appointment depends on whether or not your sponsor can be with you at the appointment.
** If your sponsor is with you at the appointment, you will need the following:
• Two (2)valid, unexpired forms of identification for Family Members,18 and older,(refer to the FIPS201-2) names must match (all documents must be originals and the primary IDENTIFICATION must be a valid unexpired state or federal issued photo ID)
• Get a visitor pass from the Access Control Point (ACP) and proceed to the MP Station to get a stamped sworn statement.
• Bring the visitor pass and stamped statement to ID Card Facility or make an appointment for a new ID card.
** If your sponsor can't be with you at the appointment, then you will need to do the following:
• Two(2) valid, unexpired forms of identification for Family Members,18 and older,(refer to the FIPS201-2), names must match
(all documents must be originals and the primary identification must be a valid unexpired state or federal issued photo ID)
• Your sponsor will need to sign a DD 1172-2. They can visit milConnect and sign the DD1172-2. No access to milconnect? No problem, just have your sponsor stop at a local DEERS office to complete the DD 1172-2. The form is valid for 90 days from the date of the signature. Or have a valid Special Power of Attorney from your sponsor for DEERS / ID card privileges. For more information about how you can obtain a POA you can visit Legal Assistance Office.
• Get a visitor pass from the Access Control Point (ACP) and proceed to the MP Station to get a stamped sworn statement.
• Bring the visit or pass and stamped state ment to ID Card Facility or make an appointment for a new ID card.
How to Add Family Members
What to bring when adding a spouse:
• Original certified marriage certificate or certified copy with file or case number of marriage certificate
• Original certified or certified copy of final Divorce Decree with file or case number for previous marriage
• Two (2)valid, unexpired forms of identification must be presented,18 and older,(refer to the FIPS201-2), names must match(All documents must be originals and the primary IDENTIFICATION must be a valid unexpired state or federal issued photo ID)
• Original social security card or official documentation from Social Security Administration with the SSN
What to bring when you’re Dual Military:
Service members are only authorized to update their individual records. To add a spouse to both records, both Service members must be present for the transaction.
• Original certified marriage certificate or certified copy with file or case number of marriage certificate
• Original certified or certified copy of final Divorce Decree with file or case number for previous marriage
• Copy of Spouse's military ID Card, front and back
• Military ID Card:
What to bring when adding a newborn:
• Child’s original birth certificate or certified copy with file or case number within 30 days of birth
• Child's original social security card or official documentation from Social Security Administration with the SSN
What to bring when adding a child:
• Child’s original birth certificate or certified copy with file or case number
• Child's original social security card or official documentation from Social Security Administration with the SSN
What to bring if your child was born abroad:
• FS240 (Consular Report of Birth Abroad) OR DS Form 1350 (Certification of Report of Birth)
• Child’s original social security card or official documentation from Social Security Administration with the SSN
What to bring when adding a stepchild:
• Original certified marriage certificate or certified copy with file or case number of marriage certificate
• Child’s original birth certificate or certified copy with file or case number
• Child's original social security card or official documentation from Social Security Administration with the SSN
What to bring when adding an adopted child:
• Final Adoption Decree or documentation from authorized placement agency under the Department of Human Services or Social Services
• Child’s original birth certificate or certified copy with file or case number
• Child’s original social security card or official documentation from Social Security Administration with the SSN
What to bring when adding an illegitimate child:
• Child’s original birth certificate or certified copy with file or case number
• Child’s original social security card or official documentation from Social Security Administration with the SSN
• Male Sponsors: court order establishing paternity OR a voluntary acknowledgement of paternity from the State in which the child was born (you don’t have to provide both)
What is the Minimum Age a Dependent can Receive an ID Card?
Age 10, with the following exceptions:
• Dependent of dual active Service members
• Sponsor is a single parent
• Dependent is not residing in sponsor's household
What to Bring When Removing a Former Spouse
• Original certified or certified copy of final Divorce Decree with file or case number
• Military ID Card
How to Add Students
College students are eligible to receive ID cards on condition that they meet requirements below.
• Be between the age of 21 and 23
• Enrolled full time in a college for a degree (can't be an unaccredited college or a technical certificate)
• Sponsor must be providing at least 50% support
• Enrollment verification from National Student Clearinghouse or a letter from the college’s Registrar Office
The letter must state:
1. They are enrolled as a full time student
2. The estimated graduation date of the student
Note: Letters of acceptance are different than the letters from the Registrar and can't be accepted.
What to bring to get your student an ID Card:
• Two (2) valid, unexpired forms of identification must be presented,18 and older,(refer to the FIPS201-2), names must match (all documents must be originals and the Primary IDENTIFICATION must be a valid unexpired state or federal issued photo ID)
• Letter from the school registrar (with full-time status confirmation and graduation date) or enrollment verification from National Student Clearing house
Don’t forget... You must update the ID card prior to the student’s 21st birthday to maintain medical coverage.
Still have questions?
What if my student is enrolled part-time in two colleges? Are they able to combine the enrollments to make full time status?
- No, two colleges cannot be combined to make a full time student status.
How about on summer breaks?
- Yes, students can get ID cards during summer breaks. They have to show that they were enrolled full-time in the semester before and after the break.
Example: Mary needs an ID Card in the Summer of '69, then she must show that she was enrolled as a student in the Spring of 1969 AND is enrolled to attend school in the Fall of 1969.
** Students can get ID Cards during winter break as well! Just show enrollment for the Fall semester before and Spring semester after and you're good to go!
How to Enroll a Parent
Enrolling a parent in DEERS requires actions before you come to our office. We do not process the approval or provide guidance for these requests.
Here's what to do:
Pro tip:these links work best on Internet Explorer.
Step 1: Get your parent approved in DFAS.
• First,read this information.
• Then,put your packet together. Your packet will vary depending on whether your parent is an in-law, biological, in loco, etc.
Here are all the packets and links to the forms you need.
• Finally, when you're packet is ready to go, submit it to DFAS. (Click on the gray arrow that corresponds with the packet you're submitting)
Step 2: You will receive an award letter in the mail from DFAS stating whether or not your application to enroll your parent was approved. WE do not have an estimated timeline for approval since it goes directly to the submitter.
Step 3: Once you receive approved, make an appointment at the Soldier Support Center, the main DEERS office.
Here's a list of everything you'll need to bring:
• DFAS award letter
• Sponsor/Spouse original birth certificate or certified copy with file or case number
• This is important: we need to link the parent to the sponsor, so we'll need the birth certificate of the person who is the family connection. For example, if my husband (Jeffrey) wants to enroll his mom (Cersei), we'll need Jeffrey's birth certification showing Cersei as his birth mother
• Parent / Parent-In-Law social security card
• Parent / Parent-In-Law two (2) valid, unexpired forms of identification must be presented,18 and older,(refer to the FIPS201-2), names must match (all documents must be originals and the primary IDENTIFICATION must be a valid unexpired state or federal issued photo ID)
• If born abroad, in order for a foreign document to used by DEERS, the document must be authenticated through a US Embassy with an Apostille or Certified Legislation signed by a US Consular. Also, all documents must be translated to English.
Active Duty Service members may contact Army One Source for assistance.
Apostille: The Apostille is a specialized certificate that is attached to your foreign document that shows it's legitimate.
Legalization: Legalization makes your foreign document suitable for use in the US. The US Consular from the Embassy from the country of issuance has this power. For example, if your birth certificate is from a country not in the Apostille Convention, such as Jamaica, you'll need to get your document legalized.
• Lastly,and this is the most important, don't forget the parent. They can come to the appointment with you or within 90 days of your signature on the DD 1172-2.
If you help during this process, call the DFAS Customer Care Office,1-888-332-7411,8am to5pm ET, Monday through Friday.
How to Cancel or Reschedule your Appointment
To cancel or reschedule your appointment, simply call us at (910) 396-9339. Or you can visit RAPIDS Appointment Scheduler and search for your appointment by your confirmation number
Forms of Identification
Click HERE for a list of acceptable documents.
Pro tip: Driver's License with a valid date or MILITARY written in where a date, normally goes are accepted. Driver's License with 00-00-0000 as a date or expired, but your state provides a Military exemption are not valid and cannot be used. Those exemptions are for driving privileges only!
What if My Sponsor Can't Come to My Appointment?
We have three options available for your convenience.
Option 1: Have your sponsor come into our office prior to your appointment and sign the DD1172-2.
Option 2: If they have access to a Common Access Card (CAC), they can visit the self-service RAPIDS website, mil Connect and sign the DD1172-2.
Option 3: Have a valid Special Power of Attorney from your sponsor for DEERS / ID card privileges. For more information about how you can obtain a POA you can visit the Legal Assistance Office.
Either of these options will allow you to complete your transactions without your sponsor being present!
** Remember, the form is only valid for 90 days from the date of the signature.
What if My Documents Aren’t in English?
In order for a foreign document to used by DEERS, the document must be authenticated through a US Embassy with an Apostille or Certified Legislation signed by a US Consular. Also, all documents must be translated to English.
Active Duty Service members may contact Army One Source for assistance.
Apostille: The Apostille is a specialized certificate that is attached to your foreign document that shows it's legitimate.
Legalization: Legalization makes your foreign document suitable for use in the US. The US Consular from the Embassy from the country of issuance has this power. For example, if your birth certificate is from a country not in the Apostille Convention, such as Jamaica, you'll need to get your document legalized.
Names Changes
What to bring?
• Legal name changes require certified court documents signed by a judge
• Two unexpired forms of ID reflecting the name change
• If you are a Service member, you will need a memorandum from your Commander showing personnel records have been updated and reflect name change, marriage certificate, divorce decree or annulment
• If you are a civilian employee, the change must be processed through CPAC
• If you are a contractor, the change must be processed through your TASS agent
** Bring all your documents in at the same time to save trips!
• Old CAC
• Final DD 214 (Member 4 copy)
• Separation Orders
• Clearing Packet
You can update your ID card on your official date of retirement or one day prior to your official date of retirement. If your official retirement date falls on a weekend, you may update your card on the Friday prior.
You will need the following:
• Old CAC
• Two(2) valid, unexpired forms of identification must be presented,18 and older,(refer to the FIPS201-2), names must match (all documents must be originals and the primary IDENTIFICATION must be a valid unexpired state or federal issued photo ID)
• Final DD 214 (Member 4 copy)
• Retirement Orders
• Your dependents
Former Spouse
• All initial requests must be completed by the original branch of service
• Two(2) valid, unexpired forms of identification must be presented,18 and older,(refer to the FIPS201-2),names must match (all documents must be originals and the primary IDENTIFICATION must be a valid unexpired state or federal issued photo ID)
• Complete set of members DD 214 (Member 4 copy)
• Marriage License
• Divorce Decree
• Renewals may be completed at any DEERS / ID Card Facility
What do I need for DEERS enrollment?
• Award letter from Veteran Affairs Regional Office stating authorized Post Exchange and Commissary privileges.
• Two(2) valid, unexpired forms of identification must be presented,18 and older,(refer to the FIPS201-2), names must match (all documents must be originals and the primary IDENTIFICATION must be a valid unexpired state or federal issued photo ID)
• DD 214 (Member4 copy)
When adding dependents you will need the following:
• Spouse
• Original certified or certified copy of marriage certificate / license with file or case number
• Original social security card (or other official documentation showing the SSN such a letter from Social Security Administration with the SSN, name and date of birth)
• Two (2) valid, unexpired forms of identification must be presented,18 and older, (refer to the FIPS201-2), names must match (All documents must be originals and the primary IDENTIFICATION must be a valid unexpired state or federal issued photo ID)
• Children
• Original birth certificate or certified copy with file or case number
• Original social security card (or official documentation from Social Security Administration with the SSN)
• Two (2) valid, unexpired forms of identification must be presented,18 and older, (refer to the FIPS201-2), names must match (All documents must be originals and the primary IDENTIFICATION must be a valid unexpired state or federal issued photo ID)