Our mission is to provide prompt and maximum release of Department of Defense (DoD) records to the public unless requested records are specifically exempt from mandatory public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Privacy Act (PA).
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: How do I file a FOIA request?
Answer: Label your request "Freedom of Information Act Request" within the request letter and on the envelope and address the request to the Command or installation likely to have the record you seek.
If you do not know where to submit your request, you may submit an Army FOIA request through the Army FOIA link in the Quick Links section.
FOIA request for Fort Liberty records can be submitted via email to usarmy.liberty.usag.mbx.dhr-foia@army.mil .
Question: How do I Submit a FOIA Request to Fort Liberty?
Answer: FOIA requests must be submitted in writing to the Fort Liberty FOIA office. The quickest way to submit a FOIA request is through email at: usarmy.liberty.usag.mbx.dhr-foia@army.mil
Requests are also accepted by mail or fax.
Mailing address:
Freedom of Information Act Office
Directorate of Human Resources
4-2175 Rock Merritt Avenue, Stop A
Fort Liberty, NC 28310-5000
Fax: (910) 432-0808
Question: What information do I need to include in a FOIA request?
Answer: You may use the provided form or follow the sample letter. To ensure your request can be processed promptly, provide the following information.
1. Contact information: Include your name, address, phone number and email so that the FOIA office may correspond with you. Military members and Federal employees should provide an email address not associated with their government employment.
2. Description of the records: Provide enough information so that the record can be located. Include information such as the type of record and the specific details including dates, case numbers, and possible recordholders of the records i.e. the command, office or agency in possession of the records.
3. Fee Information: State your willingness to pay fees or the fee amount you are willing to pay. Be aware that video and audio records require special processing, and the request will incur extra costs.
Attorneys and representatives: If you are requesting on behalf of another person, that individual must provide a written authorization for release of information to you. Attorneys must provide signed client agreements that authorizes representation to act on client’s behalf.
Question: Can we ask questions under the FOIA?
Answer: The FOIA does not require Federal Agencies to answer questions, render opinions or provide subjective evaluations. Requesters must ask for existing records, such as those mentioned above.
Question: Do I have to pay for a FOIA request?
Answer: The FOIA allows fees to be charged to requesters based upon their fee category. Waivers or reductions in fees may be given if disclosing the information is in the public interest. Public interest is defined as information which significantly enhances the public's knowledge of the operations and activities of the Army.
The FOIA requires that requesters be placed into one of the below fee categories:
1. Commercial.
2. Educational Institution.
3. Non-Commercial Scientific Institution.
4. News Media.
5. "Other" Requester: Requesters who do not qualify in another category are considered "other" requesters, and normally make requests for agency records for their personal use. "
All requesters should submit a willingness to pay fees statement regardless of the fee category, however, this does not mean you will be charged fees.
Question: What are reasons for not releasing a record?
Answer: There are seven reasons why the Army may not release a record requested under FOIA:
1. The request is transferred to another Army Component or Federal Agency.
2. The Army component determines through knowledge of its files and reasonable search efforts that it neither controls nor otherwise possesses the requested record.
3. A record has not been described with sufficient detail to enable the Army Component to locate it by conducting a reasonable search.
4. The requestor has failed unreasonably to comply with procedural requirements, including payment of fees, imposed by the FOIA and AR 25-55.
5. The request is withdrawn by the requestor.
6. The information requested is not a record within the meaning of the FOIA and AR 25-55.
7. The record is denied in whole or part in accordance with procedures set forth in the FOIA and AR 25-55.