It is recognized that job effectiveness may be negatively impacted by substance abuse issues, emotional/mental health problems, Family challenges, financial or legal difficulties, dependent (child/elder) care needs, and a host of other situations. The U.S. Army’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides confidential, appropriate and timely problem-screening services, as well as referral and follow-up services with health care providers when appropriate. Participation in the EAP is voluntary and will not jeopardize an employee`s job. The goal of these services is to help employees achieve a balance between their work, Family, and other personal responsibilities.

The purpose of Employee Assistance Program is to:

- Help employees with identifying and resolving personal problems that may negatively affect their job performance and well-being.
- Assist management with addressing productivity issues.
- Promote installation work/life/wellness programs.

All new employees are promptly trained on the availability of EAP services. All supervisors of civilian employees receive training on the signs and symptoms of substance abuse and how and when to make proper use of EAP services. Annual training to be conducted for 33 percent of assigned supervisors. The purpose and availability of EAP services are actively promoted and publicized throughout the year. Workshops on EAP services, stress management, prevention of violence in the workplace, etc., will be provided and serve to meet the annual requirement for civilian employees to receive a minimum of two hours of prevention training.

The type of services EAP provides include:

- Confidential screening, problem-solving assistance, referral, and follow-up for eligible participants (AF and NAF Civilian employees, Family members of military personnel, retired military/civilian personnel and their Family members).

- Consultation with supervisor/employee relations/labor organization.

- Training for civilian employees and their supervisors.

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