Frequently Asked Questions

Mileage Rates *provides the amount per mile reimbursed for using a personal vehicle for temporary duty (TDY) or a permanent change of station (PCS).

Looking for Child Support, Spousal Support information? Go to our Garnishments page. ​​​​​​

TLE - Effective 1 October 2022, TLE has increased for CONUS to CONUS moves from 10 to 14 days and CONUS to OCONUS moves has increased from 5 to 7 days.

Military Pay Rates  *includes a table of basic pay, allowances, special and incentive pays, and select bonuses.

Dislocation Allowance *(DLA) partially reimburses a member, with or without dependents, for the expenses incurred in relocating the member's household on a PCS or incident to an evacuation.  Advance DLA requests can be made up to 30 days prior to leave sign out date.  

SmartVoucher makes it easy to complete travel vouchers by guiding you step-by-step through a series of questions then it creates a completed DD Form 1351-2. SmartVoucher makes sure all the required fields are filled in to create a complete and accurate voucher



Documentation needed for PCS In-Process Finance:

  1. Documentation: Leave Form (DA Form 31) for PCS leave (signed out block 14, signed-in block 16)
  2. Complete set of PCS Orders (front and back) to include and amendments.
  3. DD Form 1610 (TDY orders), if applicable, which cover the date of departure from your last duty station to arrival at Fort Liberty
  4. Commercial tickets for travel
  5. Lodging receipts with a zero balance
  6. Receipts for reimbursable expense over $75
  7. Smart Voucher Instructions click here


The PCS In-Processing briefing is held Monday through Wednesday at 9:40 and Friday at 9:00, unless otherwise scheduled. In-Processing Briefing slide click here

Location: Soldier Support Center Bldg. 4-2843Normandy Dr. Fort Liberty, NC 28310 In the Wyatt Lake Media Room.

  1. Documentation: IPPS-A Approved leave Form (signed out block 14, signed-in block 16)
  2. Complete set of PCS Orders (front and back) to include and amendments.
  3. DD Form 1610 (TDY orders), if applicable, which cover the date of departure from your last duty station to arrival at Fort Liberty
  4. Commercial tickets for travel
  5. Lodging receipts with a zero balance
  6. Receipts for reimbursable expense over $75



2. PCS Out Processing is located at the Soldier Support Center, Bldg. 4-2843 Normandy Dr. Fort Liberty, NC 28310. Monday - Friday from 09:00 a.m. - noon - 5:00 p.m.

3. PCS Clearing documents needed:

Installation Clearing Papers:

Unit Clearing Papers

PCS Orders

IPPS-A Approved Leave Request

Closed Jump Log (DA Form 1307)

Intra-Post Transfers:

Clearing Papers

PCS Orders/Intra-Post Orders

IPPS-A Approved Leave Request

Closed Jump Log (DA Form 1307)