Our mission is to deliver dynamic human resource administrative support services and provide functional programs to sustain readiness of military personnel, Family members, and commanders of the greater Fort Liberty Community.
The Fort Liberty Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) supports the entire command, service member, and community in maintaining, providing unit and personnel readiness, and quality of life regarding substance abuse deterrence efforts; community education and prevention programs, identification and rehabilitation services while shaping the capability to meet future requirements.
The mission of the Fort libertyCasualty and Mortuary Affairs Office is to provide casualty, mortuary, survivor outreach services, memorial honors, and offer support, guidance and services to North Carolina Soldiers and their Families as well as other Casualty Assistance Centers (CAC). The CAC is the go-to on all Army casualty issues and guidance for the area of responsibility North Carolina.
The Fort Liberty D. A. Photo Studio provides Department
of the Army Official Photographs for inclusion in official
military personnel files and special assignment application
packets for all noncommissioned and commissioned officers
of Fort Liberty, and Reserve and ARNG units in the region that
are war traced to the XVIII Airborne Corps and Forces
Command as well as meeting the photo requirements of the
Airmen assigned to Pope Field.
The Photo Facility operates under the direction of
the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security's Visual
Information Branch.
The mission of the Fort Liberty e-MILPO/PAS office is to manage installation personnel, accounting, strength reporting and the eMILPO database for data accuracy and accepted timelines within the Department of the Army standards. Act as a liaison between Human Resources Command (HRC) and installation units to address ongoing eMILPO issues, and provide possible solutions or feedback to the installation with technical and functional support.
It is recognized that job effectiveness may be negatively impacted by substance abuse issues, emotional/mental health problems, Family challenges, financial or legal difficulties, dependent (child/elder) care needs, and a host of other situations. The U.S. Army’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides confidential, appropriate and timely problem-screening services, as well as referral and follow-up services with health care providers when appropriate. Participation in the EAP is voluntary and will not jeopardize an employee`s job. The goal of these services is to help employees achieve a balance between their work, Family, and other personal responsibilities.
The Fort Liberty Access Control Points are manned by Department of the Army Civilians, Military Police and Augmentation Soldiers.
The Fort Liberty Fire and Emergency Services mission is to provide the utmost in quality fire protection services to our Soldiers, their Families, and Civilians through coordinated leadership, education, protection, and emergency response mitigation.
Congratulations on your assignment to Fort Liberty, Home of the Airborne and Special Operations Forces!
Our mission is to ensure enrollment in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), and provide Common Access Cards (CAC) and/or Official Identification Cards to Soldiers, Family members, Retirees as well as Civilian and Contract Employees working on Fort Liberty.
Provides EEO Support
The mission of the Installation Passport Office is to assist with U.S. Passport/VISA for Soldiers, Family members and Civilians.
The Integrated Incident Management Center (I2MC) dispatchers receive all 911 calls made on the installation.
The Military Personnel Division's (MPD) mission is to deliver friendly diverse services to Soldiers, their Families, retired military, government civilians, and government contractors. Furthermore, provide sustainment services to maintain mission readiness of military personnel, Family members and commanders of the greater Fort Liberty Community.
Our mission is to serve and support the Soldiers, Civilians, and Families of the Fort Liberty community with the highest level of customer service in support of official mail and routine correspondence distribution.
Our mission is to provide prompt and maximum release of Department of Defense (DOD) records to the public unless requested records are specifically exempt from mandatory public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Privacy Act (PA).
The Mobilization and Deployment Branch & Soldier Readiness Center's mission is to provide personnel services to Fort Liberty units in the following areas: Temporary Change of Station (TCS) Orders, Mobilization/Demobilization, and Deployment and Reconstitution Tracking Software (DARTS).
Our mission is to provide fully Centralized Reassignment Processing services to officer and enlisted Soldiers assigned to Fort Liberty, North Carolina, and those Soldiers geographically dispersed throughout the U.S.A.
The mission of the Personnel Services Branch is to provide quality personnel service functions for all Tenant (Non-Modular) units on Fort Liberty, Soldiers attending training at the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS), and those attending Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC).
To protect Soldiers, Family members, Civilians, and resources by minimizing risks through assimilation, effective education, evaluation, and implementation of physical security, crime prevention, and force protection.
The Protection Branch consists of three elements. They are Emergency Management, Antiterrorism, and Exercises and Training.
Our mission is to provide quality customer service to Soldiers departing Fort Liberty who are preparing to PCS or Transition (ETS, Retire, or other separation) out of the Army.
The Provost Marshal (PM) is installation commander's advisor for MP law and order operations. As the chief law enforcement officer on the installation the PM provides the installation commander with professional and technical advice concerning law and order objectives, policies, and directives.
Our mission is to provide quality service regarding benefits, entitlements, information and referral to retirees, their family as well as active duty Soldiers and their family preparing for retirement. The Retiree Service Office (RSO) also publishes the Ft. Liberty Retired Army Newsletter; advises and supports the North Carolina Army Retiree Council, and develops installation level policies and procedures for the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) program.
Our mission is to anticipate, detect, deter, prevent, and defend against threats to Service members, Civilian employees, Family members, contractors, visitors, information, materiel and facilities and if necessary mitigate effects of an attack or incident to restore normalcy.
Our mission is to deliver dynamic Human Resource Services and provide support to sustain readiness of Military Personnel, Family members and commanders of the greater Fort Liberty Community.
Established on the installation in 1991, the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is an integral part of the Army personnel life cycle. The TAP provides comprehensive transition services to separating and retiring Soldiers, their Family members, and Department of the Army (DA) Civilians. The TAP counselors deliver the congressionally-mandated pre-separation counseling, job search training, assist in the use of automated-employment tools, conduct one-on-one employment counseling, and facilitate employment workshops/seminars.
Mission: Improve readiness through the development and enhancement of the Army Suicide Prevention Program policies designed to minimize suicide behavior; thereby preserving mission effectiveness through individual readiness for Soldiers, their Families, and Department of the Army civilians.
The purpose is to provide informative and up to date substance abuse prevention training for Soldiers, leaders, Civilian employees, and other groups upon request; assist commanders and unit prevention leaders with unit based substance abuse prevention programs; and provide information and awareness to the community by promoting substance abuse prevention campaigns throughout the year.
Our mission is to provide quality transition services to Soldiers transitioning from electing to leave the military for administrative separations, and expiration term of service (ETS).
The Army Continuing Education System's mission (ACES) is to create and lead the Army’s premiere education organization, which is committed to excellence, innovation, and deployability.
Supporting the suitability and Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12 (HSPD-12) fingerprinting mission across IMCOM installations.
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