How to Enroll
1. Visit the Fort Liberty Education Center for enrollment forms for the month and timeframe (morning, afternoon, or evening) you wish to take the BSEP class. Please visit A Wing for directions. Have your commander sign this form.
2. Use the sample 4187 below to fill out a blank 4187. You and your commander must sign and date it. Documents must be digitally signed! Your commander must be an O-3 or above. If the person who signs the 4187 is not an O-3 or above (i.e. a Warrant Officer, First Sergeant, Lieutenant, etc.), then you must also attach the Assumption of Command memo.
3. Bring your signed enrollment form and DA4187 to G-wing, Room 121 as soon as possible (BEFORE the class starts) to register for a slot in the class. No email forms will be accepted.
4. You must attend the first day of class. No one will be accepted into the class after the first day of the cycle. We will try and accommodate walk-ins. Please contact us if you have any questions at 910-396-6982.
5. Any placement tests will be administered during the course. There is no need to arrange testing prior to the start of BSEP.
6. On the first day of class, report to Room G-121 at LTEC 0830 for the morning class, 1230 for the afternoon class, or 1730 for the evening class.
*Class sessions are subject to change based on enrollment. We strive to offer classes that best meet our students' needs. Please remember that you will be required to study and prepare.*
**4187 must be Digitally Signed by the Soldier and Commander**