• Fort Liberty DPW Housing

    Fort Liberty DPW Housing

  • Permissive TDY Stamp

    Permissive TDY Stamp


Housing Services Office (HSO) is a Directorate of Public Works Housing office, which is an element of Fort Liberty Garrison. HSO assists military personnel and their Families with all their off-post housing needs. The team provides the tools to help service members, their Families, and DoD civilians with information, to include homes off of the installation, in-and-outprocessing, assist with resolving landlord/tenant disputes, school information, utility waivers, and pamphlets.

Renter's Insurance

In-processing - Service members are required to report to HSO at their existing and new duty stations before making arrangements to rent, lease, or purchase off-post housing. Service members are further advised not to send monetary deposits for housing prior to contacting the HSO.  This is to protect the interests of service members and solicit any support from the local HSO as needed.


Out-processing - As applicable, Service members are required to be in duty uniform and report to HSO for clearing.  Clearing the barracks require the Barracks Manager to have service member checked out of EMH.  Also, clearing on post housing require applicable clearing documents from Corvias prior to obtaining a clearing signature from HSO.  


Utility waivers/Commerical Activities - The Fort Liberty Credit Union has limited hours on the installation at HSO.  They process utility deposit waivers accounts for select Electric companies and Out-processing for Commerical Activities clearing.  For more information on the process and requirements.    See   Commercial Activities Out-processing + Utility Deposit Waiver Program - Fort Liberty FCU (myfortlibertyfcu.org)


The Fort Liberty Housing Office strongly encourages renter insurance for your off-post rental.   On post housing requires Renter Insurance About Renter's Insurance.  



Corvias  Informal Dispute Process - We are here to assist with an Informal Corvias dispute.    Please see guidance on process    Military Dispute Process Timeline   and Dispute Process.  To initiate, request form   Informal Dispute Form.


Off Post Landlord disputes - We are here to assist mediate any landlord/tenant disputes.   Please have a copy of your lease available for review if seeking HSO support.



 Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act Information - (SCRA).



Housing Options: 


 Unaccompanied E5 and below: Barracks


 Seeking On-Post Options when BAH Eligible:   Corvias On-Post Military Housing.


Seeking Housing Options Off-post when BAH Eligible:   Due to the large coverage of housing options for the installation, there is no rental partnership program for off-post.  For options, can review available rentals listed by property managers.      Off post Listings and / or recommendations for your Off Post Search.


Off post Property Managers seeking to advertise rentals to service members - List your rental with through HOMES.MIL    An inspection will be required.  Advertising your rental .


Temporary Lodging Options - There are no Government/Army managed quarters for temporary lodging Options.  All temporary lodging Options ON and OFF post are privatized.


ON Fort Liberty:


IHG Army Hotels Moon Hall 

D 3601 Darby Loop Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28310 

910-396-7700 or 910-853-7618 


IHG Army Hotels Normandy House & Carolina Inn 

1-4428 Totten Street             

910-396-7700 or 910-853-7618


Landmark Inn Fort Bragg 

1208 Glider Street, Fayetteville, NC 28307  

910-495-1215 or 844-201-4919 


Temporary Lodging OFF Post:    Options



 Area research - Crime and Safety Sites
*These sites are commonly used for reporting or requesting criminal and safety data regarding towns, cities, and neighborhoods. The HSO does not endorse any of these sites.
Area Vibes:   https://www.areavibes.com/
Neighborhood Scout:    https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/
Spot Crime:     https://spotcrime.com/

School research 
*This site is commonly used for data regarding schools. The HSO does not endorse this site.  School search - https://www.niche.com/


Contact the HSO at (910) 396-1022 for additional information.



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