Conducts Arms Room Operation Course (AROC) in order to provide personnel assigned with Arms, Ammunitions, and Explosives (AA&E) duties with familiarization of arms room procedures and operations in accordance with Army physical security regulatory requirements.

Conducts Physical Security Officer and Crime Prevention Officer Course (PSOCP) in order to assist the unit Physical Security Officer (PSO) and unit Crime Prevention Officer (CPO) with the understanding of physical security and crime prevention, governing regulations, polices/procedures, and planning in order to assist in the development and sustainment of effective unit physical security programs.

Point of Contact Numbers:

  • 910-396-1962
  • 910-396-9109

AROC Course Slides
PSOC Course Slides
Class Information Slide

*Note: Please print course slides and bring to class in order to take notes and retain as reference material

Physical Security Course ICE Link