The Warehouse will be CLOSED for Inventory 16-20 December.
The Fort Liberty Training Support Center (TSC), In Accordance With (IAW) Army Regulation 350-38, will retain positive control and execute property accountability for all Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations (TADSS) and Graphic Training Aids (GTAs) to support Army wide requirements. IAW AR 5-9, Area Support Responsibilities, the TSC provides area support for the Active and Reserve Component units, US Army Reserve, Army National Guard, College ROTC and JROTC units in the state of North Carolina.
TSC Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) <--click here
Warehouse Catalog <--click here
Requirements for an Account
In order for units to draw TADSS from the Training Support Center, unit commanders must ensure they have an established account. The following is required to establish and maintain an account:
- Copy of Assumption of Command Orders
- DA Form 1687 (signature card) completed and signed by the Commander
- Please see example DA Form 1687
- DA Form 1687 must be signed by a CAC card or a pen signature for all personnel, NOT BOTH!
- The remarks section must have the commander's email address
Commanders need to keep their accounts in good standing. Failure to do so may result in the account being suspended. The following are examples of what can cause an account to be suspended:
- Delinquency (failure to turn-in equipment by due date)
- Missing, lost, or broken equipment at the time of turn-in
- Failure to reconcile hand receipts due to missing, lost or broken equipment
- Failure to update account (i.e. Change of Command)
Issue and Turn-in
The issue and turn-in of most TADSS is done by appointment. For Walk-In's click here.
- Please submit a memorandum signed by the Company Commander or someone listed on the DA1687 (see sample). This memo can be emailed or dropped off to the TSC.
- Requests should be submitted as soon as possible for TADSS requests. This will avoid availability conflict of TADSS by allowing for future planning.
- Once the memo has been submitted, contact the Warehouse staff at 910-396-5594 or 910-396-9019 to set up a unit appointment.
- The unit is responsible for arriving to an appointment in a timely manner. If the unit is going to be late or cannot make the scheduled appointment, please call the warehouse. The warehouse will try to accommodate the unit the same day. If this is not possible, the warehouse will reschedule the unit as soon as an opening is available.
- An appointment does not guarantee that the equipment requested is available for issue. Some items requested may not be available when your request is being staged due to:
- Requested items may be in Maintenance/ DRMO status or may be issued out to another unit prior to your request
- Some items are subjected to unit extensions, which will delay the availability of items to be issued
- Items requested may become obsolete for disposition by Army Training Support Center (ATSC)