
  • Latin name Neonympha mitchellii francisci
  • A member of the satyr and wood nymph butterfly family.
  • Considered one of the rarest butterflies in Eastern North America.
  • A dark brown butterfly with many small 'eye' spots under the wings. Eyespots are dark reddish brown with a silver shine and outlines in yellow.
  • Four orange bands across the wing.
  • Wing spread 1-2 inches wide.

Habitat and Range:

  • Found in large, grassy, wet meadows, many of which are abandoned beaver ponds.
  • Some groups have been found in flooded craters left from artillery explosions.
  • Does not survive well in areas densely shaded by tall woody plants.
  • The only known population is found on Fort Liberty.
  • The population is made up of small colonies that occupy an area no larger than a few square miles.

Endangered Species Branch

(910) 396-2544

0-9125 McKellars Road

Fort Liberty, NC 28310

Hours of Operation:

800-430 pm M-F