Habitat and Range:
- Found in open fields and open woods in loose sandy or rocky soils.
- Does not grow well in areas shaded by taller plants.
- Currently found along the Coastal Plain and lower piedmont of North Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia.
- Only 26 populations exist in the world, 8 are found on Fort Liberty and Camp Mackall.
- Latin name Rhus michauxii
- A member of the cashew family and a non-poisonous relative of poison ivy.
- A short, woody shrub with small greenish-yellow to white flowers. Flowers are densely clustered at the top of the stem.
- Flowers in bloom in June and then develop into red fruits.
- Each leaf has 9-13 leaflets on a red leaf stem.
- Entire plant is densely covered with tiny hairs.
- Grows 1-3 feet tall.
Endangered Species Branch
(910) 396-2544
(910) 396-2544
0-9125 McKellars Road
Fort Liberty, NC 28310
Hours of Operation:
800-430 pm M-F