American Chaffseed
Habitat and Range:
- Found in pine forests with seasonally moist sandy soils.
- Does not grow well in shaded areas.
- Currently found along the coastal plain of New Jersey, North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.
- Only 72 populations are known to exist in the world, 17 are found on Fort Liberty.
- Latin name Schwalbea americana
- A member of the snapdragon family.
- A non-woody plant with bright yellow-purple tubular flowers.
- Flowers bloom from April to June.
- Entire plant is densely covered with tiny hairs.
- Grows 1-2 feet tall.
- A "hemi-parasite" - receives some of its food and water from the roots of other plants.
Endangered Species Branch
(910) 396-2544
(910) 396-2544
0-9125 McKellars Road
Fort Liberty, NC 28310
Hours of Operation:
800-430 pm M-F