Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the Army Housing Office and Corvias?

The Directorate of Public Works Housing Division is an element of Fort Liberty Garrison that provides support to housing residents.

Specifically, Fort Liberty's privatized housing partner Corvias manages the on-post houses for service members and their Families who would like to live on the installation. 

What are the different offices of Army Housing Office?

The Directorate of Public Works Housing Division is an element of Fort Liberty Garrison. The three offices of DPW Housing are the Housing Services Office (HSO) assists with off-post housing, Unaccompanied Housing (UH) assists with single-Soldier quarter accommodations, and Army Residential Communities Initiative (RCI) assists with on-post Family housing.

HSO assists service members and their Families with off-post housing information, guidance, and queries.

UH facilitates first sergeant and barracks manager training for personnel who manages barracks.

RCI provides oversight of privatized housing partner Corvias, home inspections prior to a Family moving in, and is a Garrison advocate between service members and Corvias.

Where does my BAH go?

Your Basic Housing for Allowance (BAH) is the stipend the Department of Defense allocates to pay for the majority of rent and utilities.

Your BAH includes the following:

The Basics: Rent, average gas and electric, water and sewer, emergency services such as fire and police department services, municipal services.

Added Services: Maintenance, lawn care, trash removal, and pest control.

Added amenities: Community centers, playgrounds, green spaces, and resident events.

Project cost: Corvias fees based on performance goals, project oversight, and debt service fees.

Future improvements: Home renovations, new home construction, new community center, and new amenities.

Remaining BAH funds are reinvested back into your community.

Where can I report a work order for my on-post privatized house?

For housing issues or concerns, work order requests can be accomplished by the following ways:

- Submit a request through your resident portal

- Contact or visit your neighborhood center:

- For emergency work orders, call the hotline at (866) 206-1365.

- If Corvias is unable to address your housing concern or the issues has not been resolved, contact the DPW Housing Advocate line at (910) 908-4504.

Where can I report a service order for the barracks?

The following are ways to place a service order request for the barracks:

- In person at Bldg. 251 Boxcar St.

- Call (910) 396-0321

- Online at via the Arma App

What are the types of work orders?

There three types of work orders:

Emergency. Takes priority over all other work and requires immediate action including overtime or diverting craftsman from other jobs. It consists of correcting failures and problems that constitute to **life, health, and mission, security or property, e.g.power outage or pipe burst.

- Emergencyexamples include, overflowing drains,broken water or steam pipes, gas leaks, major utilities services failures,broken electrical components, which may cause fire or shock, stopped upcommodes (when only one available for use), and accidental lock-ins of smallchildren.

- **Life, Health, Safety: Any emergency condition (work order(s)), that, if not corrected or mitigated, may cause harm or injury to a person. E.g. small child locked inside a house;broken electrical component that could cause a fire; gas leak. Life, Health and Safety Work Orders are a subset of emergency work orders.

Urgent. Urgent work is required to correct a condition which could become an emergency, could seriously affect moral, or has command emphasis.


- Urgent examples include, heating and warm water supply outages, air-conditioning failures, or functional failure of ranges or refrigerators. As a general rule, we will make every effort to accomplish all urgent work within at least 2 working days of receipt of the request. However, actual response time for urgent work may vary from 2 hours to 5 calendar days depending upon availability of craftsmen, relative urgency, and time of request(that is, weekend, nighttime, duty hours, and so forth).



Routine. Routine work does not meet the categories of emergency or urgent. This category covers work which, if not accomplished,would only continue an inconvenience or unsightly condition. Work in this category will normally be accomplished on a first come first-served basis. Every effort will be mad to respond to and complete routine WOs within 6 business days for Family Housing and 30 Days all other facilities.

    I found mold in my house, and it's black. Is it the toxic black mold?

    When mold is found in the home, often times, the color of the mold appears black. It does not mean it is the "toxic black mold" known as Stachybotrys. Stachybotrys is a specific strain of mold often associated as "black mold."

    As of today, mold testing has revealed no confirmed cases of Stachybotrys on Fort Liberty.

    This does not mean that you shouldn't report mold findings in your home. If you find mold or fear mold is growing in your home, contact Corvias and place a work order request.

    If it is an emergency, contact the 24/7 hotline at (866) 206-1365.

    How do I decrease mold exposure?

    Inside homes, mold growth can be slowed by controlling humidity levels and ventilating showers and cooking areas. If there is mold growth in your home, you should clean up the mold and fix the water problem. Contact Corvias and place a work order request to address the issue.

    Specific Recommendations:

    • Keep humidity levels as low as you can—no higher than 50 percent–all day long. An air conditioner or dehumidifier will help you keep the level low. Bear in mind that humidity levels change over the course of a day with changes in the moisture in the air and the air temperature, so you will need to check the humidity levels more than once a day.
    • Use an air conditioner or a dehumidifier during humid months.
    • Be sure the home has adequate ventilation, including exhaust fans.
    • Add mold inhibitors to paints before application.
    • Clean bathrooms with mold killing products.
    • Do not carpet bathrooms and basements.
    • Remove or replace previously soaked carpets and upholstery.

    Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention