... Liberty For All.


March To Liberty!

The name Liberty honors the heroism, sacrifices, and values of the Soldiers, Service Members, Civilians, and Families who live and serve with this installation. We view this as the next chapter in our history and look forward to honoring the stories of our military heroes from every generation and walk of life.

     ·Fort Liberty represents all who serve and has special significance to the installation's units and community.

    4th of July News Photo.jpg ·The name Fort Liberty unites all of what the community stands for through a common connection.  Fort Liberty was not chosen at random. The word conveys the aspiration of all who serve and has special significance to our units and the community

  7668570.jpg ·The installation is the same power projection platform supporting the warfighter. The fort’s fidelity to its mission has not waivered. With every action taken throughout each day and throughout the world, the base’s Servicemembers and surrounding communities support exceptional fighting units with long, proud, and prominent histories of service.

 280549.jpg    ·It’s the people who make our post what it is– as we change to Fort Liberty, our rich history and heritage will remain and our contribution to our nation's history continues.

The fort was redesignated Fort Liberty on June 2nd. 
