Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Swinney

Lieutenant Colonel JD Swinney enlisted in the Indiana National Guard as an Infantryman while attending Purdue University. He graduated from Purdue in 2003 with a degree in History, and was commissioned into the Aviation Branch. After Initial Entry Rotary Wing Training and Aviation Officer Basic Course, JD was assigned to Palehorse Troop 4/2 ACR at JRTC and Fort Polk. He served as an Aero Scout Platoon Leader and accompanied 4/2 during its reflagging to 4-6 ACS and restationing to Joint Base Lewis McCord. While there, JD deployed to Iraq with 4/2 SBCT as their Brigade Aviation Officer.

JD was next assigned to 1-6 Air Cavalry Squadron, 1ID CAB, at Fort Riley, Kansas. While there he commanded F/1-6 (UAS) and A/1-6 from 2008 – 2011. Including commanding both Troops during OIF 10-11. After Troop Command JD attended Kansas State University, earning and Masters of Technology (Aviation Science) and multiple Fixed-Wing Aviation ratings and certifications before attending the Command and General Staff Officer Course at Fort Leavenworth.

Following CGSOC, JD was assigned to Fort Campbell, KY. At Fort Campbell he served as the 5th Special Forces Group Aviation Officer and the Group Training Officer. JD then served as the Executive Officer and Operations Officer for 5-101 Aviation, deploying to Afghanistan in 2015.

In 2016 JD was selected for the Advanced Strategic Planning and Policy Fellowship and attended Duke University from 2016 to 2019 – earning a Ph.D. in History. JD’s research focused on the changes in the U.S. Army’s service culture following the Vietnam War. Most recently, JD served on the Commanding General of Army Futures Command’s Initiatives Group.

Lieutenant Colonel Swinney’s awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal (3OLC), Meritorious Service Medal (3 OLC), and the Army Commendation Medal. He has earned the Senior Aviator Badge, Air Assault Badge, and Parachutist Badge.

JD is married to the former Elizabeth Wells – a native of Pineville, LA. They have two daughters, Mili and Cora.