The Fort Johnson Recycles Program

Recycling at Fort Johnson

Recycling supports the Army mission. Fort Johnson strives to make reducing, reusing and recycling simple by offering an array of programs at the Recycling Center. To view a full list of recyclable materials and more information on additional programs at the JRTC & Fort Johnson Recycling Center, visit the At the Recycling Center page.


Riche$ from Recycling

FPR_website_riche$.pngBeyond the environmental benefits, recycling on post can also provide a financial benefit to military units. Military units on the installation have the opportunity to earn cash at their Battalion level from recycling materials at the JRTC and Fort Johnson Recycling Center. To contribute towards unit funds, units and their families should:

  1. Recycle cardboard and paper (mixed or white) at the Recycling Center’s Bay #2 during business hours.
  2. Request that the weight of the recyclable materials be tracked and delegated to the unit upon drop off. A QRP employee will be available to assist in weighing the materials and ensuring it is correctly recorded for the unit.
  3. Follow the Recycling Center on Facebook by searching for “Fort Johnson Environmental Management Division” for tips on recycling and reducing waste and additional information.

To see how much money your unit has earned to this point, click here.