Vernon Unit, Calcasieu District, Kisatchie National Forest

This website provides public information on Army training activities in the Limited Use Area (LUA) of the Vernon Unit, Calcasieu District of the Kisatchie National Forest. The Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) and Fort  Johnson are authorized to conduct certain training activities in the LUA in accordance with a Special Use Permit and Operating Plan issued by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service. The Special Use Permit/Operating Plan is based on a Forest Service Record of Decision issued in February 2004 for the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment Transformation and Installation Mission Support, Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) and Fort Johnson, Louisiana, and Long-Term Military Training Use of Kisatchie National Forest Lands. This website is intended to support recreational activities and other authorized uses of the LUA by providing information on Army training schedules in the area.

LUA/SLUA Training Schedules and Maps

For scheduling purposes, the Army has designated seven major training areas in the LUA. These are: Cravens, Flatwoods, Johnsonville, Marlow, Providence, Pitkin and Rustville.

The JRTC and Fort Johnson may conduct training activities in the LUA during nine months of the year. No military training is authorized in the LUA/SLUA during April, November or December. In addition, no training may be conducted in the east half of the LUA in January (Cravens, Pitkin and Rustville training areas), or in the west half of the LUA in October (Flatwoods, Johnsonville, Marlow and Providence training areas).

Training exercises are typically scheduled at least two weeks in advance and maps are posted online to show areas where training exercises are planned to occur. The maps posted at left are updated regularly; however, training schedules and maps are subject to change on short notice. It is recommended that you check the maps posted at information kiosks in the LUA/SLUA to verify the latest training schedules. These kiosks are located at multiple sites in the LUA and they contain the current training schedule maps.

To view a map of areas scheduled for military training in the LUA/SLUA, select the date(s) of interest and click on the link under “LUA  MAPS” or "SLUA MAPS"

The map will display areas that are:
-Open to the public and not scheduled for military training;
-Open to the public but scheduled for military training; and
-Off-limits to military training.

Please note that each of the map files is approximately 400 KB in size. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, they may take a few minutes to display. Once the map is displayed, you can right click on the map to access menu options such as zoom in, zoom out, and print.

The “LUA Standard Map and SLUA Standard Map ” - displays a blank LUA and SLUA training area maps without any of the status information. You can view and print this map for reference purposes.