In September 2008, under the Department of Defense’s Utility Privatization Program, American Water was awarded ownership and a 50-year contract for the operations and maintenance of the water and wastewater distribution and collection systems and treatment facilities at Fort Johnson in Leesville, Louisiana.

Our responsibilities include system capital investment, regulatory and environmental compliance, planning, asset recapitalization, and long term operations and maintenance. The potable water distribution system consists of ground water supply, treatment, storage, and piping. There are twelve active wells supplying water through a network of 100 miles of pipe and being stored in 14 elevated and ground tanks with a combined capacity of 7 million gallons.

The wastewater collection system includes two wastewater treatment plants with a capacity of 1.4 and 3.8 million gallons per day (MGD) both serviced by 82 miles of pipe. The water and wastewater systems at Fort Johnson serve a population of just under 20,000.

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