Administrative Services

Administrative Services

The Administrative Services Division provides oversight, training, and guidance for the Fort Johnson Document Management Program in record-keeping, Army addresses, correspondence preparation, office symbols, official mail and distribution, forms and Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act requests.

Army Community Service

Army Community Service

Army Community Service (ACS) provides numerous programs and resources for Service Members (all branches, including active duty, guard and reserve), their families, retirees and DoD civilians.

Casualty Assistance Office

Casualty Assistance Office

The mission of the Casualty Assistance Office is to provide assistance to the grieving families of deceased military personnel, active duty and retired, by providing the final demonstration of our nation’s gratitude to those who faithfully defend our country in peace and war.

Civilian Personnel Advisory Center

Civilian Personnel Advisory Center

The Civilian Personnel Advisory Center is made up of a team of human resources professionals dedicated to supporting and empowering Soldiers, civilians, families and veterans worldwide in an era of persistent conflict. The CPAC office is responsible for recruiting, retaining and sustaining a high quality volunteer force through innovative and effective enterprise solutions and ensures human resources readiness of the Total Army across the full spectrum of operations.

​Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal Employment Opportunity

It is the policy of JRTC and Fort Johnson that all employees and applicants for employment be free from discrimination in employment based on race, race, color, religion, sex, national origin and age (40+), mental or physical disability, genetic information or reprisal for prior EEO activity.

Equal Opportunity Program

Equal Opportunity Program

The Fort Johnson Equal Opportunity program supports the Home of Heroes by developing and delivering world-class human relations education, training, research, and innovative solutions to enhance total force readiness. We also providing training that improves individuals' and units' knowledge when dealing with the various forms of discrimination. It also provides guidance and resources for EOLs and their Commanders to best execute the Equal Opportunity Program, as well as share the best practices across the force.

Fire Division

Fire Division

Fire Division of DES is made up of highly skilled and professional emergency response teams capable of providing emergency medical, hazardous material, fire rescue, fire suppression and consequence management to mitigate the effects of both natural and man-made disasters.

​ID Cards and Deers

ID Cards and Deers

Fort Johnson's Consolidated In and Out Processing Center provides quality personnel services to military personnel (Active/Reserve/National Guard), retirees, family members, DoD civilians, and eligible contractors in the areas of replacement operations, in/out-processing, transition and retirement services, compassionate reassignment/hardship discharge request processing, military awards/ decorations, ID cards/tags and DEERS enrollment, the deposit waiver program, and the installation school of standards program.

Military Personnel Division

Military Personnel Division

The various agencies within the Military Personnel Division are responsible for providing installation level personnel services to military personnel at Fort Johnson.

Recycling Center Team

Recycling Center Team

The Recycling Center is here to help you help the environment. The Recycling Center is a proud member of the community here at Fort Johnson. The Recycling Center offers recycling awareness training during ECO Training, Facility Mangers Training, and more. Have a question? Or just want to get more involved in recycling please feel free to reach out us.

​Physical Security Division

Physical Security Division

The Physical Security Division of DES supports the installation in the following areas: Compliance inspections, Courtesy Inspections, Vulnerability Assessments, Alarm Monitoring and Trouble Shooting. Closed Circuit TV and Cameras, DoD Lock Program, Staff Assistance Visits, Deployments / Re-deployment Support, Rapid Gate Program. The Department of the Army Security Guards and Force Protection also are supported by the Physical Security Division.

​Provost Marshal Office

Provost Marshal Office

The Provost Marshal Office is a professionally trained, positive, community customer focused Army law enforcement and access control organization that is responsive to the needs of not only the commander but the civilian community. The Provost Marshal Office is the chief law enforcement office on the installation and provides the community with 24 hour police support to maintain good order and discipline, safety and security for all those who live and or work on Fort Johnson.

​Soldier for Life-Transition Assistance Program

Soldier for Life-Transition Assistance Program

Service Member for Life-Transition Assistance Program's mission is to provide pre-separation counseling, transition and employment assistance services to Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve Soldiers, Department of Defense civilians who are considering or preparing to depart the military and all work age family members of each of the above groups.

​Staff Judge Advocate

Staff Judge Advocate

The mission for Fort Johnson's Staff Judge Advocate is to provide all required legal support to Installation and Garrison Commanders, Command Staff and Major Subordinate Commanders, Tenant Organizations, and Individual Service members, family members, and retirees