Mission: Provide the commanding general, mission staff, and major subordinate commanders with: (1) accurate and timely operational personnel and strength management; (2) aggressive retention management; (3) equal opportunity programs which support a positive command climate and; (4) coordinated effort with the Directorate of Human Resources, Adjutant General (DHR/AG) for holistic personnel service support to the installation all of which directly supports operational decision making. Act as the CG’s senior personnel advisor on all military personnel issues.
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 0800-1700
Phone Number: CM: (337) 531- 1120, DSN: 863-1120


Mission: The assistant chief of staff, G2 conducts timely and relevant intelligence and security operations in support of commanders and decision makers in the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) and Fort Johnson's assigned, rotational, and deploying units.
Standard Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 0800-1630. We are flexible and available to support the mission and Soldiers as needed beyond regular duty hours.
Phone Number: ACofS G2: CM: (337) 531-0613; SSO: (337) 531-6618, DSN 863-XXXX


Mission: The G3, JRTC and Fort Johnson synchronizes all installation resources to meet major subordinate commander training objectives, with priority to Combat Training Center (CTC) rotational training objectives in order to provide trained and ready forces to our nation.
G3 Key Tasks:
De-conflicts the rotational schedule for JRTC
Provides oversight to the reception, staging, onward movement, and integration (RSOI) and redeployment process of assigned and rotational units
Monitor, track, and manage current operations through an emergency operations center
Manage mobilization and demobilization
Provide long range and strategic planning and manage the transformation campaign program
Supervise unit readiness reporting
Oversee airborne operations
Provide support for force protection to the senior mission commander
Manage training land, provide interface with the US Forest Service and environmental issues
Manage the installation museum
Manage on and off post schools, meteorological operations in support of combat training center rotations, provides oversight of opposition force technical aircraft support, supervise NCO Academy operations, and manage the funding of OPTEMPO dollars
Friendly- Units are trained and ready; rotational and home station
Enemy - No breaches in Force Protection and Safety in training monitored
Terrain - Land available to follow-on stewards. We maintain our good stewardship with the United States Forestry Service and local community
Hours of Operation: 24-hour emergency operations center (EOC)
Phone Number: CM: (337) 531-4916, DSN: 863-4916 or toll free 1-866-312-4312

Mission: Support Commander, JRTC and Fort Johnson and general staff with planning, coordinating, and supervising logistics support for mission execution and sustainment of JRTC and Fort Johnson and projection platform units.
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 0800-1630
Phone Number: CM: (337) 531-4199, DSN: 863-4199


Mission: The G-6 serves as the Senior Signal Staff Officer for the Commanding General, Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Johnson. Provides support and conducts timely and relevant signal operations, tactical communications, spectrum operations, automation management, network management, and information security supporting the major subordinate commands, rotational/ deploying units, and installation operations.

Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 0800-1630. We are flexible and available to support the mission and Soldiers as needed beyond regular duty hours.
Phone Number: CM: (337) 531-5995, DSN 863-5995


Mission: Coordinates, recommends, and provides professional management advice and assistance on use of JRTC and Fort Johnson mission tenant resources in terms of manpower and dollars. This includes: program and budget analysis, formulation, execution, and control; fund control; internal management controls; accounting policy; Defense Travel System (DTS); review and analysis; productivity improvements; organizational efficiency reviews; force structure and stationing; manpower and equipment management; Organization and Functions Manual; Total Army Analysis (TAA); Inter-service Support Agreements (ISSA); Memorandums of Agreement (MOA); Memorandums of Understanding (MOU); management of the Comptroller Manpower and Force Management Civilian Career Programs.
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 0800-1630
Phone Number: CM: (337)531-8671, DSN: 863-8671


Mission: Plan, coordinate and execute distinguished visitor (DV) itineraries for the JRTC and Fort Johnson, ensuring that each DV's time is used as effectively and efficiently as possible.
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 0800-1630
Phone Number: CM: (337) 531-1719, DSN: 863-1719


Mission: Support the command group and general staff by ensuring standards of the staff action guidelines are followed; prepare and correct actions for viewing by the command group making certain that issues of clarity, accuracy, and brevity are reflected in the action and representative of the owning agency; synchronize and synergize with the command group and general staff, and serve as liaison with subordinate units on events, ceremonies, and daily operations for the commanding general, deputy commander, and post command sergeant major.
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 0800-1630
Phone Number: CM: (337) 531-1715, DSN: 863-1700