
This information paper describes polices for key environmental programs and assigns duties, roles, and responsibilities for each of the three environmental branches (Compliance, Conservation, Forestry), that make up Environmental and Natural Resources Division (ENRMD). Environmental protection must be integrated into all areas of rotational training in order to meet regulatory requirements, to protect the wellbeing of our Soldiers, civilians, and neighbors, and to preserve our garrison and training lands for the futures.

Support to RTU

D-90 Briefing

ENRMD Responsibilities:

Provide the units’ leadership with key information pertaining to their environmental responsibilities while training at the JRTC, covering both compliance and conservation requirements.

Units’ Responsibilities:

Ensure the information is disseminated to the lowest of ranks prior to coming to JRTC.

D-5 Meeting

ENRMD Responsibilities:
Be available to answer any last minute questions or concerns that involve the clearing of environmental.

Provide the rotational unit with Environmental Compliance Field Cards for each individual Soldier. This field card provides information on how to handle environmental concerns that a Soldier may face while training at
JRTC. Only through responsible use to the land will we be able to Preserve Fort Johnson as a high quality training area.

Units’ Responsibilities:

Present to the Garrison Staff their operations order for clearing and redeployment from JRTC.

Ensure that each individual Soldier receives an Environmental Compliance Field Card. Each Soldier is instructed to keep the card on their person at all times while training at JRTC.

Aerial Port Of Departure (APOD)

ENRMD Responsibilities:
Provide onsite environmental technical support for military rotational units using the Aerial Port of Departure (APOD). The ADOP is located on leased land at the Airpark in Alexandria, Louisiana. 

Conduct mandatory fuel handlers’ briefings to all Soldiers that will be participating in any type of fueling operations. These areas are the Forward Area Refueling Point (FARP), Ground Refueling Points (GRP), Mobile Kitchen Trailer (MKT), fuel blivets, generator sites, laundry units using fuel for heaters, and any other operation involving any type of fuel. 

Conduct a mandatory pre-inspection of the fueling operation prior to any fuel dispensing. 

Respond to any and all POL or chemical spills occurring at the APOD.

Units’ Responsibilities:
Appoint an environmental liaison at the rank of E-7 or higher to work with the  ENRMD representative concerning environmental matters. This Soldier will coordinate with the ENRMD representative on times and dates of the fuel handlers briefing which is convenient to the unit.

Ensure any and all Soldiers participating in any type of fueling operation attend the mandatory briefing given by ENRMD.

Ensure that any and all fueling operations are pre-inspected prior to use.

Ensure the following equipment is present at each of these sites; adequate size spill kit, minimum of two bags of dry sweep, site specific spill plan, operational fire extinguisher, personnel protective equipment (neoprene or nitrile gloves and splash proof goggles), material safety data sheet, and a 5-gallon can of water for decontamination (eye flushing).

It is the units’ responsibility to report all spills to the ENRMD personnel on the ground or the APOD NCOIC immediately.

Solid waste is the only thing that can be placed in the dumpsters. Any restricted or hazardous waste (H/W) items found in the dumpsters will be removed by the rotational unit.

Consolidated Solid Waste Facility (8300 Block)

ENRMD Responsibilities:

Ensure all restricted items and H/W are removed from the solid waste sorting line are processed properly either by the solid waste contractor or the unit.

Act as the designated point of contact for the use of the Mobile Fuel Tanker (MFT) secondary containment site located on K Avenue. Conduct a joint inspection of the area prior to the unit signing for the site.

Act as the central point of turn-in for all hazardous waste, batteries, and POL products generated or used during the rotation.

Make available and free issue all excess batteries.

Maintain and issue spill kits to rotational units as needed.

Receive and process all batteries used during the rotation. All batteries that can be tested using the State-of-Charge-Tester will be tested. Batteries with a charge of 70% or greater will be re-issued. All other batteries will be disposed of as universal waste.

Assist the unit with properly disposing of contaminated soil.

Units’ Responsibilities:

Take every precaution to ensure that hazardous waste, restricted items, medical waste, and Class V (to include residue and dunnage) are not commingled with the regular trash.

Ammunition is taken to the ASP or unit ammunition holding area. Appoint an individual either from the rotational unit or the Exercise Support group (ESG) to pick up Class V items and medical waste from the 8300 Block that have been removed from the solid waste. This is a daily function starting at D-5 through E+6. Time of pick-up is 1430 (subject to change to 1630 for larger rotations), no exceptions, no excuses.

Pay for disposal costs of hazardous waste and contaminated soil using the maneuver damage MIPR.

Place all trash in clear trash bags, (this is a safety issue).

In the North Fort cantonment area, place all trash in dumpsters marked FIELD TRASH. Do not place trash in the dumpsters marked DFAC which is used by dining facility personnel only. If field trash is placed in these dumpsters, the unit will provide a detail to sort the container.

In the training area, all trash will be placed in clear plastic bags prior to being placed in the roll/offs. Food waste must be triple bagged prior to placement in the roll/offs or in separate can (marked food waste) if available.

Conduct a pre-inspection of the MFT secondary containment with the ENRMD representative and sign for it. This is the only authorized refueling location in the North Fort cantonment area (any exceptions must be addressed
with ENRMD).

Take all H/W, restricted items, contaminated soil, and any unwanted POL products to the 8300 Block for processing.

Red-cockaded Woodpecker/Environmentally Sensitive Areas 

ENRMD Responsibilities:
Identify and mark the Red-cockaded Woodpecker clusters with reflective material and one-meter wide white bands around the trunk. The buffer zone around these clusters is 62 meters which is identified with reflective material,
15 – 20 centimeter wide fluorescent orange bands, and warning signs.

Mark environmentally sensitive areas with orange carsonite signs identifying activities that are unauthorized in the various areas.
Provide G-3 with a list of no dig areas, low water crossings, and environmentally sensitive areas of concern (update as necessary).

Unit Responsibilities:
Ensure vehicle traffic in the buffer zone is restricted to established roads only.
Allow only foot traffic and the firing of blank ammunition 7.62 caliber and smaller in the buffer zone.

Do not allow bivouacking, digging, cutting of vegetation, or placement of any type of wire, within the buffer zone.

Ensure all Soldiers are aware of and obey all orange carsonite signs in environmentally sensitive areas.

Spill Response Support

ENRMD Responsibilities:

Provide technical assistance and guidance to the Fire Department. Assist with the overseeing of clean-up and to ensure the proper authorities are notified in a timely manner.

Respond to all spills greater than 10-gallons of POL product, any amount of hazardous substance, or any amount of either that enters a waterway or has the potential to enter a waterway.

Oversee the clean-up operation of the unit responsible for the spill. Notifies DPW – PRIDE if the unit does not have the assets required to conduct the clean-up operation.

Makes notification to the following agencies if necessary, State Emergency Commission, Local Emergency Response Committee, National Response Center, Louisiana State Police, Louisiana Department of Environmental
Quality, Fort Johnson's Field Officer of the Day.

Unit Responsibilities:
Clean up all spills 10-gallons or less, bring contaminated soil to the 8300 Block and place in roll-off provided for contaminated soil. If spill is greater than 10-gallons, notify the Fire Department (337) 531-2026, Range Control, or your OTC. 

Pay clean-up cost with their maneuver damage MIPR.

Purging Fuel Tankers

ENRMD Responsibilities:

Operate the fuel tanker purging facility at the corner of Illinois and Texas.
Provide a tank purge certification memorandum to the unit.

 Units’ Responsibilities:
Coordinate a date and time they would like their fuel tankers to be purged, this will normally take place after ENDEX.
Prep fuel tankers prior to arrival at the tank purging facility. Drain fuel including lines, remove filters, and remove top covers.

 Gray Water

 ENRMD Responsibilities:
Pick up gray water at each training area twice daily or as required.
Inspect and approve of any and all gray water pits that are located outsides the training area.

 Units’ Responsibilities:
Monitor their gray water accumulation ensuring that none of the gray water pits overflow at any time.
If a gray water pit is near to overflowing, suspend all water activities and notify training area manager or your OTC.
Coordinate with the Engineer Liaison prior to placing any gray water pits outside the perimeter of the training area.
Arrange through ENRMD to have your pit inspected and approved prior to use.
Ensure vacuum trucks have easy access to your gray water pit.

Rotational Planning

Spill Contingency Plan:

 ENRMD Responsibilities:
If requested, provide the unit with a template SOP for spill contingency plan.

Units’ Responsibilities:
Provide a spill contingency plan to JRTC, Operations Group prior to D-45
Group 45 days prior to D-Day.
Ensure all Soldiers are familiar with and are capable of executing this plan.

Clearing and closing of rotation

ENRMD Responsibilities:
At ENDEX, assists Range Control in completing a Initial maneuver damage assessment form, categorizing damages as either Cat 1 (slight damage), Cat 2 (moderate damage), or Cat 3 (major damage).
Conducts a re-inspection of the areas of concern to see if deficiencies had been corrected and to do a cost analysis of maneuver damage for those areas that had not been corrected.
Provides an ENRMD representative at the E+5 clearance brief to present the costs of maneuver damage and answer any questions about these costs that the rotational unit may have.
At E+3, provide the rotational unit with a detailed list of deficiencies on North Fort common.
Re-inspect the areas of concern when the unit has corrected deficiencies and is prepared to clear.
Attends the E+5 and briefs the rotational unit on any outstanding areas of concern or signs of on the units’ clearance papers.

Units’ Responsibilities:
Provides a detail to correct as many maneuver damaged areas as possible.
Provides a maneuver damage MIPR to pay for any and all maneuver damaged areas that the unit could not repair.
Corrects all deficiencies that are on the list provided by ENRMD at E+3 concerning the North Fort area.
Sends representatives to the E+5 clearance briefing to discuss any outstanding issues or have their clearance papers signed.
