Installation Restoration Program

The Army’s Installation Restoration Program (IRP) is a comprehensive program to identify, investigate and clean up contamination at active/operating Army installations. Eligible sites include those contaminated by past defense activities that require response under CERCLA, as amended by SARA, and certain corrective actions required by the RCRA.

The objective of the IRP is to clean up contaminated environmental impacts from past Army activities with the following goals:

1.    Reduce risk to acceptable levels to protect the health and safety of installation personnel and the public.

2.  Restore the quality of the environment.

The IRP also complies with state, regional, and local requirements applicable to the clean-up of hazardous materials contamination, as well as related site safety.

Community involvement activities are an integral part of the Army’s IRP. Installation commanders seek community involvement early and throughout the clean-up process.

Installation Action Plans

The key document in the management and execution of the IRP is the Installation Action Plan (IAP). The IAP outlines the total multi-year integrated, coordinated approach to achieving an installation's restoration goals. The plan is used to monitor requirements, schedules and budgets. For each site, the IAP documents IRP requirements, the rationale for the technical approach and corresponding financial requirements. Prior year funding and cost estimates through the entire remedial process are included. The IAP contains the IRP history, current status, contaminants of concern, response actions taken, and past milestones, as well as any possible future response actions.