One goal of the Department of the Army (DA) is to plan, initiate, and carry out actions and programs designed to minimize adverse impacts upon the quality of the human environment without impairing the Army's mission. Primary strategies for protecting the mission of military installations from the problems of noise incompatibility are long-range land use planning and being a responsible neighbor to surrounding communities.
Operational Noise
Military installations are, by nature, sources of noise and the Army can receive complaints from the general public regarding military noise. Fort Johnson is sensitive to the general public’s concerns regarding noise. In order to minimize excessive noise, the installation has implemented an Installation Environmental Noise Management Plan and installed a network of noise monitoring stations.
Noise Complaint Management
The goal of the installation’s noise management program is to reduce the potential for public noise complaints. A proactive noise complaint process helps maximize installation training capacity, while at the same time protecting the local community.
As directed in JRTC and Fort Johnson Regulation 385-1, Training Facilities Guide, the Director of Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security is responsible for publishing the weekly range schedule and for notifying the public about training activities. Press releases are issued through the Public Affairs Office (PAO). Fort Johnson responds to all noise complaints through the PAO which maintains the noise complaint hotline. A noise complaint can be submitted to PAO via the following form:
Noise Complaint Form
Proactive measures are in place to include announcements of rotations and exercises via local newspapers, radio, and posting on the JRTC and Fort Johnson’s official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JRTCandFortJohnson
You can also leave a message on the noise complaint hotline at (337) 531-3577.
All complaints will be responded to in a timely manner.