Environmental Compliance Officer’s (ECO) Course (40 hrs)

·         The ECO is a Soldier or employee appointed by the commander or shop supervisor to manage the organization's environmental issues.

·         ECO’s serve as the points of contact for environmental compliance and have day-to-day oversight responsibilities at the organizational level.

·         Course covers Pollution Prevention (P2), hazardous and solid waste management, employee health and safety, air and water quality, field awareness, Environment Management System (EMS), training records and reports, and energy awareness.

·         Course consists of 4.5 days of lecture and a half-day field trip.

Environmental Compliance Officer’s Recertification Course (8 hrs)

·         Required annually for all trained ECO’s to maintain certification.

·         Recertification class is a condensed version of the 40hr class highlighting changes occurring from previous year.

Observer Controller Trainer (OCT) Course (8 hrs)

This course is given in order to satisfy the requirements under the JRTC and Fort Johnson land use agreement. It is designed to educate OCTs about topics including EMS, waste management in the field, vehicle refueling procedures, spill response, protection of natural and cultural resources, erosion control, and fire prevention and response. This class is given in conjunction with the JRTC OCT Course.

Observer Controller Trainer Recertification Course (4 hrs)

·         Required annually for all trained OCTs to maintain certification.

·         Recertification class is a condensed version of the 8hr class highlighting changes occurring from previous year.

·         This class is given on an "as needed" or "as requested" basis. 

·         To schedule this course, call Environmental Training @ 337-531-4910.

Commander/1SG Briefing

·         20-30 minute briefing that outlines the Fort Johnson Environmental requirements as they relate to the duties of unit level management.

·         Consists of a general overview of the Fort Johnson EMS, ECO requirements and tracking, Indoor Air Quality, Net Zero, and other environmental policies.

·         Given as part of the G3 Commander/1SG Course.

Sustainable Range Awareness Training (SRAT) (1 hr online)

Sustainable Range Awareness Training