Army Substance Abuse Program  

The mission of the ASAP program is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army´s workforce, to conserve manpower and enhance the combat readiness of Soldiers. 

ASAP Services:

  • Drug Testing Collection Point
  • Risk Reduction Program (RRP)
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  • Suicide Prevention Program
  • ASAP Prevention & Education
  • Alcohol Drug Control Officer/ASAP Manager


Drug Testing Collection Point:

Collects all Service member urinalysis and prepares for shipment to laboratory for testing.  Conducts pre-employment urinalysis collection in coordination with the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center

Risk Reduction Program:

The Risk Reduction Program is a Commander’s tool.  It is designed to assist in decreasing Soldiers' high-risk behaviors thus increasing Soldier and mission readiness. The Risk Reduction Program’s tools track, assess, and act on a number of Soldier high-risk behaviors. 

  • Unit Risk Inventory (URI)
  • Reintegration Unit Risk Inventory (R-URI)
  • Commander’s Risk Reduction Dashboard (CRRD2)
  • Resources at your fingertips trifold
  • Deskside Briefs to Command Teams
  • Installation Prevention Team (IPT)

Employee Assistance Program:

Provides free screening, referral, short-term counseling and follow-up services to employees and their families regarding work/life balance issues.  EAP also provides consultation to management and preventative education to organizations. The EAP is a problem-solving program that can help employees function more effectively while going through life/work balance difficulties.

Eligibile for EAP services include: 

  • DOD Civilian Employees
  • Retired Military Personnel
  • Retired Civilian Employees
  • Family members of active duty personnel and retirees

Prevention and Education:

Provide various types of substance abuse prevention training based on identified needs and emergent trends to Fort Johnson Soldiers, Civilians and Family members.  Assist Commanders and Unit Prevention Leaders (UPLs) with unit based prevention programs and provide information and awareness to the Fort Johnson community about substance abuse prevention resources.  Promote national campaigns such as Alcohol Awareness Month, Red Ribbon Week and Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month at the local level.

            Available Resources:

  • Pamphlets and posters to assist with unit prevention programs across the installation
  • Alcohol breathalyzers available for sign out to assist unit commanders in random checks for fitness for duty
  • Prevention themed games/DVDs/displays 

Helpful Links: