The Business Operations Integration Division manages directorate resources, information technology, and organizational strategic planning. It also coordinates the development and execution of annual work plans, processes service order (ArMA) and work order (DA 4283), handles scheduling, and manages supply operations including self-help materials for facility related requests.
CUSTOMER SERVICE -Vicenza Military Community (VMC)
To submit a routine Maintenance request, go to ArMA
Appliance Repairs, contact CFMO during Business Hours at 646-2560; comm +39-0444-71-2560
Government Leased Quarters during Business Hours, call DSN 646-2515; comm +39-0444-71-2515
For emergencies call DSN- 646-2700 or COMM: +39-0444-71-2700 After hours, this will forward to the after-hours contractor call center. The direct line to the call center is +39-0444-239-149
Facility Engineering Work Request (DA4283) - For major work beyond the scope of a minor repair, such as a construction or renovation project or expanded self-help projects. The organization's Facility Work Coordinator (FWC) must submit a request for facility engineering work including DA Form 4283 (this form may not open in all browsers).
Submit Facility Engineering Work Requests via