Inbound Soldiers
Congratulations on your assignment to Fort Gregg-Adams! This installation works hard to ensure your sponsorship and in-processing experiences are as easy and informative as possible. Explore the tabs and links provided throughout this page to help prepare yourself, and your family for your upcoming move.
If you haven’t already done so, please log into the Army Career Tracker at , and complete your assigned portions of the DA Form 5434 to request your sponsor. Once you’ve logged into ACT, helpful Videos and Quick Start Guidesare available to help you navigate through the sponsorship request process. To ensure your sponsor can fully support your PCS needs, review the Sponsorship Talking Points.Ensure to complete the Sponsorship Survey in the ACT Total Army Sponsorship Program(TASP) located at or In-processing survey.Digital Garrison
Digital Garrison is a one-stop information source for Army communities, putting real-time information into Soldiers’, families’, and civilians’ hands and keeps military communities connected.
Army PCS Move
Soldiers now have access to an organized central hub of information on entitlements, types of moves, how to plan/schedule a move, claims, and important moving information through this helpful app.
Service Members
Service Members reporting into Fort Gregg-Adams for Permanent Party Assignment should review the following links to help inform and organize your PCS planning. If at any point you need immediate sponsorship assistance, feel free to reach out to the Installation sponsorship liaison office, contact information provided on the right. Soldiers may call1-855-352-7748 for reporting instructions and to secure no-cost transportation to Fort Gregg-Adams from Richmond International Airport.
- In-Processing Checklist:
- In-Processing Instructions & Supporting Services
- Unit & Tenant Homepages
- Arriving to Fort Gregg-Adams
- On-Post Lodging
- Army Military Pay Office
- Housing Information
- Transportation Services
- Establishing FLVA Computer User Account
Outbound Soldiers
We are sad to see you go!
For assistance in out-processing click here for more helpful information. If you haven’t already done so, please log into the Army Career Tracker at and complete your assigned portions of the DA Form 5434 to request your sponsor. If in Army Career Tracker (ACT) Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP), complete the Sponsorship out-processing survey in ACT by accessing the Sponsorship tab and the Forms subtab or Out-processing Survey. The survey will be saved in ACT and show as completed.Digital Garrison
Digital Garrison is a one-stop information source for Army communities, putting real-time information into Soldier, family and civilian hands, and keeps military communities connected.Army PCS Move
Soldiers now have access to an organized central hub of information on entitlements, types of moves, how to plan/schedule a move, claims and important moving information through this helpful app.Sponsors
Congratulations on being selected as a Sponsor!
Fort Gregg-Adams holds a very high standard for Sponsors. All sponsors need to be trained on how to properly conduct sponsorship activities. Training can be found at You may need to register for an account first, then search for eSponsorship Application & Training (eSAT) under the course catalog.
Additionally, all sponsors need to be active in reaching out to their inbound Soldier and doing their best to understand that Soldier’s and their families’ needs. At a minimum Sponsors will address the topics listed in the Pre-Arrival link below at a minimum, as well as conduct the activities listed in the Arrival link.
Ensure Soldier gets the Unit Welcome letter
Family Considerations to Discuss:
- Medical Situation as it pertains to moving (i.e. Physically limiting conditions that would require assistance in getting settled i.e. broken limb, on crutches)
- Spouse move date differs from SM (IMT Soldier to First Unit of Assignment (FUA), GEO Bachelor)
- Extended Family Concerns (i.e. mom/dad unwell)
- Pets
Personal Considerations:
- Financial Situation-as it pertains to movement (i.e. issues with advance travel funds).
- Government Travel Card – Do they have one, is it active for PCS Movement?
- Hobbies and interests
- In-processing familiarization
- What to expect
- What is covered during in-processing
- Unit Mission
- Policies (i.e. Off limits areas)
Installation Familiarization:
- Provide map or link to map of installation with services locations if possible
- Brief incoming of surrounding areas (should be based off family needs and hobbies/interests)
Move Plan of Action (These questions can be asked sooner in this checklist if known by incoming)
- When? Departure date, arrival date, PTDY dates (if applicable)
- Mode of Transportation (Air, POV, Train, Bus)?
- Will they require transportation assistance upon arrival?
- HHG/ Vehicle Procurement? (if applicable)
- Taking PCS Leave? Is PTDY included within leave from losing unit?
- Housing:
- If off post, what area/s are they looking?
- If on post, application submitted? On wait list?
- Soldier (and if desired family) Face-to-Face introduction
- Ensure In-processing started; assist when necessary
- Ensure In-processing is completed
- Assist in Unit integration/in-processing
- Close out survey completed NLT 30 days after arrival
User Account
Establishing a User Account
Customers will need to:
- Have a CAC
- Have an active ATCTS account under their unit's appropriate headquarters and signal command alignment. Accounts can be created and updated with the individual’s new unit information at:
- Have completed the Army Cyber Awareness Training within the last year (365 days). The training should be accessed at:
- Sign a DoD Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) digitally. The AUP can be signed online at:
- Complete the new user request form obtained from their supervisor or security manager
- Have at least a Tier 1 (T1) security investigation with favorable adjudication. The appropriate forms needed to start the investigation processes can be obtained from the unit security manager