The Administrative Services Division provides oversight, training, and guidance for the Fort Gregg-Adams Document Management Program in record-keeping, Army addresses, correspondence preparation, office symbols, official mail and distribution, forms and Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act requests.
Army Community Service (ACS) provides the following programs and resources for service members their families, retirees and DoD Civilians: Army Emergency Relief (AER), Army Family Action Plan (AFAP), Army Family Team Building (AFTB), Army Volunteer Corps (AVC), Exceptional Family Member Progam (EFMP), Family Advocacy Program (FAP), Financial Readiness Program, Information, Referral & Follow-up (IR&F), Military Family Life Counselor (MFLC), Mobilization, Deployment & Support Stability Operations (MD&SSO), New Parent Support Program, Relocation & Employment Readiness Program, Survivor Outreach Services (SOS).
The Army Education Center's (AEC) mission is to vigorously promote lifelong learning opportunities, which will sharpen the competitive edge of the Army by providing and managing quality self-development programs and services.
Providing military pay operations to Army Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard Service Members with timely, accurate delivery.
The Army Substance Abuse Prevention program provides education & early intervention to help commanders, civilian supervisors, and the installation community reduce lifestyle risk factors to increase healthy outcomes.
The Army Career Skills Program (CSP) affords transitioning Soldiers the opportunity to participate in first class apprenticeships, on-the-job training (OJT), employment skills training (EST), and internships up to 180 days prior to separation from the Army with a high probability of employment in high-demand and highly-skilled jobs.
The Casualty Assistance Center provides assistance to next-of-kin of critically injured, ill or deceased service members, retirees, and veterans to include benefits counseling; military funeral honors; and Casualty Assistance / Notification Officer training.
Chaplains provide comprehensive religious support for the spiritual and moral needs of soldiers and airmen, other service members, family members, retirees, and authorized civilians.
Fort Gregg-Adams Child & Youth Services provides full-day and before/after school childcare programs, information on local public schools, and other programs designed to foster and develop children's physical, intellectual and socio-emotional capabilities.
We are a team of HR professionals dedicated to supporting and empowering Soldiers, Civilians, Families, and Veterans worldwide in an era of persistent conflict (formerly the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center).
The Fort Gregg-Adams commissary provides groceries in a safe and secure shopping environment to military personnel, retirees and their families. Authorized patrons can purchase items tax free plus a 5-percent surcharge, which covers the costs of building new commissaries and modernizing existing ones. Visit their site ( to learn more about whether you are eligible.
The Commissary benefit can save shoppers over 25 cents on the dollar over other retailers’ prices every time they shop. We strive to offer a valued benefit that contributes to family readiness, enhances the quality of life for America's military and their families, and helps recruit and retain the best and brightest men and women to serve their country.
The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential to ensure fair treatment for military personnel, family members, and civilians without regard to race, color, gender, religion, or national origin, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior.
The Post Exchange provides Soldiers and Airmen with the services and merchandise they need to make their lives more comfortable. The Exchange also maintains services and support to family members and troops back home. Service members, retirees and their families have the option to visit the Exchange.
The Fire and Emergency Services Division is an all-hazards-approach organization providing structural, wild land, and vehicle fire suppression; advanced life support emergency medical services; fire prevention inspections, public and community fire safety education programs, and technical rescue and hazardous material response. It is a member of the Crater Regional Technical Rescue Team and the Crater Regional Hazardous Material Response Team.
The Fort Gregg-Adams Fire and Emergency Services Division exists to protect the lives, safety, environment, and property of all persons in the community and surrounding areas. It educates, informs, and enforces life safety in a caring and effective manner. "Supporting Those That Serve" is its motto.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a Federal Law that establishes the public's right to request existing records from Federal Government agencies. The FOIA provides for prompt, maximum release of DoD records to the public unless such requested records are specifically exempt from mandatory public disclosure under the FOIA. .
The Privacy Act of 1974, establishes a Code of Fair Information Practice that governs the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information about individuals that is maintained in systems of records by federal agencies.
Important information about the Visitor Control Center (VCC), proper identification needed and operating hours of the gates.
All post organizations are required to participate in the Hazardous Material Management Program (HMMP).
The Housing Services Office offers a broad array of services for service members, their families and DoD civilians.
The mission of the ID Card/DEERS section is to ensure enrollment of all eligible Department of Defense beneficiaries in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) and to provide Common Access Card (CAC) issuance to service members, retirees and their family members as well as to federal civilian employees, and contract employees.
The legal office provides legal services to service members and their families to include claims, legal assistance, tax preparation, magistrate issues (including tickets), military justice, and administrative, civil, or labor law (including investigating officer appointments).
The installation offers on-base lodging through IHG Army Hotels.
The Fort Gregg-Adams Mentorship Program is a 6-month program open to all D.o.D members interested in receiving career guidance or sharing their experience or knowledge with others.
Our mission is to deliver friendly, diverse services to Soldiers, their Families, retired military, government civilians, and government contractors. Furthermore, our office provides sustainment services to maintain mission readiness of military personnel, Family members and commanders of the community.
Army bands provide music throughout unified land operations to instill in our forces the will to fight and win, to foster the support of our citizens, and to promote our national interests at home and abroad.
We provide the most efficient in- and out-processing for Fort Gregg-Adams Soldiers.
The Fort Gregg-Adams Passport Office serves as the primary point of contact in the central Virginia area for current Department of Defense (DoD) employees and military dependents seeking to obtain a United States Official, Diplomatic, or no-fee passport and/or Official visa for DoD business.
The Fort Gregg-Adams Provost Marshal Office provides 24-hour law enforcement, force protection, and community support to Commanders, Service Members, Family members, Civilians and guests of Fort Gregg-Adams; maintains liaison with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies; supports installation contingency operations.
Recycling centers available on the installation. In accordance with Fort Gregg-Adams Policy 19-03, participation in the Fort Gregg-Adams Recycling Program is mandatory. It is everyone’s responsibility who serves, works, or resides on Fort Gregg-Adams to recycle. All organizations will implement an effective recycling program to minimize landfilled waste and achieve Department of Defense (DOD) waste reduction goals.
The Sergeant Audie Murphy Award is a means of recognizing those NCOs who have contributed significantly to the development of a professional NCO Corps and combat ready Army.
Service Members Reporting for Duty
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program (SHARP) reinforces the Army's commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual assault through a comprehensive policy that centers on awareness and prevention, training and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting, and accountability. Army policy promotes sensitive care and confidential reporting for victims of sexual assault and accountability for those who commit these crimes.
Soldier for Life Retirement Services Office provides quality service regarding benefits, entitlements, information and referral to retired Soldiers, their family as well as active duty Soldiers and their family preparing for retirement.
All Soldiers are required to have a sponsor before PCS-ing to a new installation. The Sponsorship page will provide you with with the necessary steps to receive a sponsor.
The goal of the TSC is to provide the best training support services to America’s Soldiers. Our mission is to provide Home Station Training Support to the Sustainment Center of Excellence (SCOE) Fort Gregg-Adams, and AR 350-52 Area of Responsibility (AOR), provide integration and synchronization of Live, Virtual and Constructive Training Devices, Simulations and Training Support Services. The TSC provides and/or trains instructors/operators (I/O) for the numerous Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations (TADSS) available for Soldiers and units to use in their day-today training requirements.
The Transition Assistance Program provides pre-separation counseling, transition and employment assistance services to Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve Soldiers and Airmen, Department of Defense civilians who are considering or preparing to depart the military and all work age family members of each of the above groups.
Transportation is divided into several categories:
Official Commercial Travel Office (CTO), local commercial transportation, Transportation Motor Pool (TMP), post shuttles, personal property (household goods and whole baggage) and freight/central receiving office.
Providing Department of the Army Photography and Audio Visual Equipment Loans
Weapon registration is mandatory for all persons residing on the installation. All privately owned weapons being brought onto the installation property are also required to be registered.
Chaplain's office offers a variety of religious and non-religious worship services on base.