The mission of the Casualty Assistance Center is to provide compassionate, unwavering commitment to the Families of our fallen Soldiers, retirees and veterans. Casualty Assistance provides assistance to next-of-kin of critically injured, ill or deceased Army soldiers, retirees, and veterans to include Benefits Counseling; Military Funeral Honors; and Casualty Assistance / Notification Officer training (CAO/CNO).

FOR MILITARY SERVICE MEMBERS. To report a death or request Military Funeral Honors, please call: (804) 734-6606. You can also email


Casualty Notification/Assistance Officers (CNO/CAO) Training

Casualty notification/assistance officers must attend a three-day certification course prior to performing those services. The CAC's training instructor offers this course every month.

To register, email the casualty training officer or call (804) 734-6606.


Benefits and Entitlements

Normandy Cross PhotoSurviving spouses of retired and active Soldiers may receive casualty assistance through three methods:

  1. Live assistance. The Casualty staff serves as a survivor's advocate who processes Active Duty benefit claims, coordinates services from support organizations, and answers questions related to entitlements.
  2. Guided assistance. The CAC can also arrange for a Casualty Assistance Officer (CAO) to visit the survivor at a location of choice on a case by case basis. The CAO will assist with completion of the forms and serve as a liaison between the survivor and the Casualty staff.
  3. Retiree death reporting and benefits.  To report the death of an Army military retiree contact Defense Finance And Accounting (DFAS) at (800) 321-1080.  To request assistance applying for Army retiree benefits contact the Fort Gregg-Adams Retirement Services Office at (804) 734-6973.

For benefits questions, contact the central casualty via email or phone at (804) 734-6606.


Memorial Affairs

The CAC coordinates military funeral honors for eligible deceased veterans, retirees and active duty Soldiers in the Fort Gregg-Adams area of responsibility. To request a military honors funeral, complete the Funeral Honors Request Form and email or fax the request to (804) 734-6734.

Contact the memorial affairs coordinator via email or phone at (804) 734-6606.


Mortuary Affairs

The CAC staff ensures the proper care and disposition of a Soldier's remains and personal effects. The CAC also prepares orders for eligible survivors to travel at government expense to their Soldier's funeral and/or unit memorial.

Contact the mortuary affairs coordinator via email or phone at (804) 734-6606.


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Helpful Resources