Before completing the work order form, please read the following instructions.
Tenant Real Property Responsibility
- All Real Property on Ft Gregg-Adams has a responsible party for being a good steward
- When Real Property is assigned to a unit, the unit’s Facility Manager is the responsible steward
- Facility Managers are the assigned unit’s primary point of control and signing authority for work requests and related financial obligations
- Facility Managers may delegate DA FORM 4283 authorization signature authority by communicating to the DPW 4283 Help Desk
Use Of DA FORM 4283
- A functional Facilities Engineering Work Request is:
- an appropriately used DA FORM 4283
- completely and properly filled out
- completely processed through DPW
- signed by a DPW Approval Authority
- Application Characteristics:
- exceeds the scope of a Service Order (generally contains more than 24 person-hours of labor and / or $2,500 material cost)
- provides stricter management of resources
- used for all key requests (requires a Physical Security stamp)
- includes Self Help, Troop Labor, In-House, and Government Purchase Card purchased work that results in a disturbance of real property (lands, improvements, buildings, structures, and utilities)
- all work affecting real property must be supported by a Facilities Engineering Work Request with a DPW Approval Authority signature prior to execution
- applicable to everyone on Ft Gregg-Adams (all units, directorates, special staff, tenants, and contractors)
Work Request Process
- Whenever work on Real Property is planned, needed, or an estimate of work is needed, complete and submit a DA FORM 4283 for:
- Work Permission
- Estimation of Work: Scope, Schedule, or Budget
- Design of Work: Scope, Schedule, and Budget
- Work Execution
- Submit Facilities Engineering Work Requests to the Ft Gregg-Adams DPW 4283 Help Desk
- For inquiries regarding submitted work request contact the Ft Gregg-Adams DPW 4283 Help Desk
Initiating a DA FORM 4283
Complete PART A
- CUSTOMER ID - Your assigned 2 alpha character customer ID code
- DOCUMENT SERIAL NUMBER - The next available 5 character alpha numerical document serial number from your document log
- FY - The last digit of the current Fiscal Year
- SHORT JOB DESCRIPTION - Enter a short job description generally made up of:
- The work type... Repair, Estimate, Construct, etc.
- The work object... HVAC, roof, etc.
- The facility type and Bldg number.
- The owning unit designation. Example: Repair HVAC GP Admin Bldg 2345 36th Eng Bn.
- DATE - Request origination date
- INSTALLATIN NAME - Installation
- CUSTOMER NAME, POC NAME, and POC PHONE NUMBER - Enter the customer contact information
- WORK DESCRIPTION - Fully considered problem statement (if we are to design a solution), or a best possible defined statement of work.
- AUTHORIZED REQUESTOR - Enter authorized requestor name
- AUTHORIZED REQUESTOR SIGNATURE - Authorized CAC signature. Electronic form with CAC signatures are preferred.
- "Save As" your file copy and email it to