The Environmental Management Division (EMD) focuses on four major areas: compliance, restoration, prevention, and conservation. The EMD provides the means necessary to meet the mission while protecting the environment.
EMD satisfies the requirements of the International Standards Organization (ISO) 14001 Environmental Management Standard and Army EMS requirements always assuring that Fort Gregg-Adams maintains a high state of environmental readiness.
As part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), EMD reviews all projects and supplies detailed regulatory environmental requirements, known as the ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS (ESC). Please use the most current copy of the ESC available here for all of your contract and project actions.
Negligence and failure to adhere to environmental regulations may result in both civil and criminal charges and fines for the responsible party or parties. In short, Fort Gregg-Adams’s Environmental Policy is:
G – Generate less waste and pollution R – Reduce environmental impact E – Ensure compliance E – Evaluate new projects N – Notify 911 and IOC of spills
Fort Gregg-Adams Recycling Center
In addition to weekly pick-up at each building, Fort Gregg-Adams also has a Recycling Center for convenient drop-off of bulk items and yard waste.
Please report suspected environmental violations, spills, leaks, and the harming of wildlife to us. Also, if you have an idea to help improve efficiency and minimize environmental impact, please let us know.