
TSC HeadquartersWelcome to the Fort Gregg-Adams Training Support Center (TSC). The goal of the TSC is to provide the best training support services to America’s Soldiers. Our mission is to provide Home Station Training Support to the Sustainment Center of Excellence (SCOE) Fort Gregg-Adams, and AR 350-52 Area of Responsibility (AOR), provide integration and synchronization of Live, Virtual and Constructive Training Devices, Simulations and Training Support Services. The TSC provides and/or trains instructors/operators (I/O) for the numerous Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations (TADSS) available for Soldiers and units to use in their day-today training requirements.


The TSC has two Classrooms, which can be reserved for training. Each classroom accommodates 34 personnel and has an overhead projector, a screen, and two mounted televisions. There is no internet capability in the classrooms. If needed, the classrooms can  combine to hold 68 people. The TSC also has a multipurpose conference room available that can accommodate up to 46.


Engagement Skills Trainer (EST)

The Engagement Skills Trainer (EST) is a laser-based unit, indoor, multipurpose arms trainer for individual and crew served weapons. The system displays targets, terrain, and weapon effects in a real time presentation on a screen 26 feet from the firer. The firing soldier experiences an approximation to the actual weapon's sound, weight, and recoil. The system provides training for marksmanship, VBS3 collective training, escalation of force (EOF), and provides extensive after-action review support. The following weapons are available: M9, M16, M4, M2, MK19, M249, M240B, M320, M1200, and M136 weapon systems.

All training is scheduled through RFMSS (Login Required) and the Virtual Simulation Facility.


1520 Transportation Road
Fort Gregg-Adams, VA 23834

Phone Number: (804) 734-3536


The EST requires a certified operator. The unit will not be allowed to run EST without their operator present.


Operators must be in the rank of Corporal or above. The course is a two-day course and must be scheduled with a minimum of 5 students. The course is held at 1520 Transportation Road. The course is a full 2 day course, students must be present both days to be certified on the EST II no exceptions.

Gas/Oxygen IED and Machine Gun Simulator

The XM-10/ Artillery Simulator is used to provide simulation of IED or Artillery shell impact explosion for training soldiers how to react to these situations. The Devise provides a very robust blast wave and flash, giving a realistic yet safe simulation

The XM-2A produces the sound and flash effect of live machine gun for training and recognition purpose. This device is portable and easy to conceal and operate. The XM-2A can be operated with a manual trigger wire or by remote control


453 1st Street
Bldg. 1111
Fort Gregg-Adams VA, 23801

Phone Number: (804) 765-2620


These Simulators will only be transported in open bed vehicle IAW DOT regulation.


Only Soldires in the Rank of Cpl or above will be certified or allowed to operate the Simulators, certification classes will be upon request of the unit or personnel, a minimum of 5 personnel maxium of 10 personnel per certification class.

Reconfigurable Virtual Tactical Trainer (RVTT)

The RVTT supports training units from platoon through battalion/squadron echelon. The training audience operates from full-crew simulators. Simulators have sufficient fidelity for individuals and crews to accomplish their collective missions. Simulators replicate the tactical wheeled vehicles through the RVTT.

All training is scheduled through RFMSS (Login Required) and the Virtual Simulation Facility.


1420 Dervishian Road
Fort Gregg-Adams VA, 23834

Phone Number: (804) 734-3536

Call for Fire Trainer (CFFT)

The CFFT is a procedural trainer designed to provide basic instructions and sustainment training to the qualified observer. It is an observed fire training system that will fulfill the need for observed fire training and supports all fire missions; capable of depicting the use of all current and future munitions and used to train all soldiers regardless of MOS. It simulates artillery, mortar and other fires on stationary and moving targets.

All training is scheduled through RFMSS (Login Required) and the Virtual Simulation Facility.


1520 Front Access Road
Bldg. 6232
Fort Gregg-Adams VA, 23834

Phone Number: (804) 734-3536


The requesting unit will not be allowed to operate the CFFT without their operator present. The unit has two hours from scheduled start time to occupy the trainer. After that time the trainer is available to other units.

Instrumentable-Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Individual Weapons System 2 (I-MILES IWS 2)

Instrumentable-Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Individual Weapons System 2 (I-MILES IWS 2) is a Soldier-worn system, providing real time casualty effects necessary for tactical engagement training in direct fire force-on-force and instrumented training scenarios. Use of the system, from squad thru brigade level exercises, reinforces good tactical maneuver skills by training Soldiers how to avoid being shot, as well as rewarding good target engagement ability. The IWS 2 kit is comprised of an individual body harness and helmet halo for target vulnerability on Soldiers and an unobtrusive Small Arms Transmitter (SAT) that mounts on a Soldier’s weapon to replicate weapon range and effects. Event data can be downloaded for use in a stand-alone or instrumented after action review and training assessment. The IWS 2 replaces Basic and MILES 2000 Soldier-worn systems at home stations and instrumented sites Army-wide in accordance with the I-MILES Basis of Issue (BOI).


1520 Front Access Road
Bldg. 6232
Fort Gregg-Adams VA, 23834

Phone Number: (804) 734-3536

TSC Warehouse


The Fort Gregg-Adams Training Support Center (TSC), In Accordance With (IAW) Army Regulation 350-38, will retain positive control and execute property accountability for all Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations (TADSS) and Graphic Training Aids (GTAs) to support Army wide requirements. The TSC provides area support for the Active and Reserve Component units, US Army Reserve, Army National Guard, College ROTC and JROTC units in the state of Virginia.


453 1st Street
Bldg. 1111
Fort Gregg-Adams VA, 23801

Phone Numbers: (804) 734-2825 / (804) 734-0157

Requirements for an Account

In order for units to draw TADSS from the Training Support Center, unit commanders must ensure they have an established account. The following is required to establish and maintain an account:

  • TADDS Request Form
  • Copy of Assumption of Command Orders
  • DA Form 1687 (signature card) completed and signed by the Commander
  • DA Form 1687 must be signed by a CAC card or a pen signature for all personnel, NOT BOTH!
  • The remarks section must have the commander's email address

Commanders need to keep their accounts in good standing. Failure to do so may result in the account being suspended. The following are examples of what can cause an account to be suspended:

  • Delinquency (failure to turn-in equipment by due date)
  • Missing, lost, or broken equipment at the time of turn-in
  • Failure to reconcile hand receipts due to missing, lost or broken equipment
Issue and Turn-in

The issue and turn-in of most TADSS is done by appointment.

Please submit a memorandum signed by the Company Commander (see sample). This memo can be emailed or dropped off to the TSC.

Requests should be submitted as soon as possible, but a minimum of two weeks is required for TADSS requests. This will avoid availability conflict of TADSS by allowing for future planning.

Once the memo has been submitted, contact the Warehouse staff at (804) 734-2825 or (804) 734-0157 to set up a unit appointment.

The unit is responsible for arriving to an appointment in a timely manner. If the unit is going to be late or cannot make the scheduled appointment, please call the warehouse. The warehouse will try to accommodate the unit the same day. If this is not possible, the warehouse will reschedule the unit as soon as an opening is available.

An appointment does not guarantee that the equipment requested is available for issue. Some items requested may not be available when your request is being staged due to:

  • Requested items may be in Maintenance/DRMO status or may be issued out to another unit prior to your request
  • Some items are subjected to unit extensions, which will delay the availability of items to be issued
  • Items requested may become obsolete for disposition by Army Training Support Center (ATSC)

To receive the IEDES simulator, personnel must have a certification card in their possession. Any person picking up simulator device(s) must have a certified trainer present. If the trainer is picking up the device by himself, he must be on the DA Form 1687.

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Phone Numbers

Training Support Officer

(804) 734-4515

Senior TADSS Instructor (804) 734-4617
General Supply Specialist (804) 734-2825
Supply Technician (804) 765-2621 / 0157
Gas Simulator Specialist (804) 765-2620
Exhibit Maker (804) 765-2624
TADSS Instructor (804) 734-3536
TADSS Instructor (804) 734-4342 / 0168
MILES Instructor (804) 734-3536
RVTT Scheduler (804) 734-3218
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