Review the List of Acceptable Documents and "Required Documents" tab to ensure you bring the proper identification and supporting documents to your appointment; you will need two forms of ID.
Schedule an Appointment at a Remote Site That Issues ID Cards
- Charlottesville (JAG School): (434) 971-3288
- Fort Walker: (804) 633-8797 (Call for an appointment; no walk-ins)
- Fort Barfoot: (434) 292-2497
- Roanoke (Naval Reserve): (540) 563-9723
- Defense Supply Center: (804) 279-1020 (First come, first serve)
Remember: All military, civilians and contractors must turn in their common access cards (CAC) at the time of separation or retirement. These should be turned in to the individual's supervisor or directly in to the ID card/DEERS office.
Customers must schedule an appointment online or do so by phone at (804) 734-7394. Please have the required documents available for service.
Required Documents
Service Members
Active Duty, Reserve Component (National Guard and Army Reserve), Individual Ready Reserve (IRR):
- Enlistment contract or current Leave and Earning Statement (LES) with the new expiraton term of service (ETS) date
- Army Knowledge Online (AKO) username
- Commissioning orders
- Enlistment contract
- DD Form 214
- Separation order
Family Members
SPOUSE: For initial issue, the sponsor must be present with his or her ID Card, and the following documents are required:
- Certified marriage certificate
- Social Security card
- Birth certificate
- Valid photo ID
For renewal, the sponsor must be present to sign the DD Form 1172-2 (Application for Department of Defense Common Access Card-DEERS Enrollment), or the spouse must have the sponsor's power of attorney to sign for the sponsor in his or her absence.
If the sponsor is unavailable, a valid power of attorney is required.
FORMER SPOUSE: Initial verification of former spouses must be accomplished by the parent service, and the following documents are required:
- Certified marriage certificate
- Final divorce decree
- Written statement that he or she has not remarried and is not enrolled in an employer-sponsored health plan
- Statement of service
To terminate a former spouse, the sponsor must present the final divorce decree. In case of death, the death certificate is required.
NEWBORNS: All newborns must be added to DEERS; the sponsor must be present with his/her ID card and one or more of the following documents are required:
- Birth certificate
- Certificate of live birth
- VAP (Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity) for a child born out of wedlock
- Social Security card when issued
CHILD UNDER 21 YEARS OLD, UNMARRIED: ID cards are issued for children between the ages of 10 and 21. The sponsor must be present and sign the DD Form 1172-2 (Application for Department of Defense Common Access Card-DEERS Enrollment). The following documents are required:
- Birth certificate
- Social Security card
- After the age of 18, an additional valid photo ID is required from the List of Acceptable Documents
CHILD 21 TO 23 YEARS OLD: The child must be enrolled in college as a full-time student. The sponsor must be present, and the following documents are required:
- Letter from the school registrar certifying full-time enrollment with the anticipated graduation date
CHILD OVER 21 YEARS OLD AND INCAPACITATED: The child must be unmarried and incapable of self-support because of a physical incapacity that existed before their 21st or 23rd birthday. Initial applications must be processed through the parent service. For the Army, send the application to: DFAS, Indianapolis Center for Army Dependents. The application for Army family members can be obtained at the local ID card center.
PARENT DEPENDENCY: Father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, stepparent, and parent-by-adoption are entitled to ID Cards if certain requirements are met. The parent must be dependent on an authorized sponsor for over half of his or her support, or was dependent at the time of the sponsor's death. The parent must also be living in a household with the sponsor or one maintained by the sponsor to qualify for full benefits and privileges. The parent service must accomplish all initial and renewal applications. The application for Army personnel can be obtained at the local ID card center.
DESIGNATION OF AGENT FOR COMMISSARY AND EXCHANGE PRIVILEGES: Authorized Commissary and Exchange patrons may designate an individual to make purchases on their behalf or to accompany them when shopping. The following documents are required:
- Valid ID card for the authorized patron
- Letter from a physician that provides duration of the disability.
The agent card will be issued in one-year increments. Please call (804) 734-6970 or email to make an appointment.
Foreign Military Member and Family Members
Invitational travel orders or other documents establishing his or her sponsorship or invitation to the United States. A passport may be used to verify military personnel family members since the family members need legal documents to accompany the sponsor to the United States.
Veterans and Retirees
- Retirement order
- DD Form 214
- Letter from the Veterans Administration (VA) stating that the honorably discharged veteran is 100-percent disabled from a service-connected injury or disease, and that Commissary and Exchange privileges are authorized.
Department of Defense Civilian
Once employment can be verified in the Civilian Personnel Online, then employees only need the two forms of ID as specified on the List of Acceptable Documents.
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 promulgated a federal standard for secure and reliable forms of identification for federal employees and contractors. This standard requires federal identification credentials to meet certain criteria to be considered a trusted federal credential. Therefore, on July 31, 2006, the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) disabled the ability of a verifying official (VO) to add contractors into DEERS. Contractors must use the Trusted Agent Sponsorship System (TASS) in order to obtain a CAC card.
Contractors employed at Fort Gregg-Adams will need to contact the designated trusted agent (TA) assigned to their organizations to obtain a CAC card through TASS. Not all contractors are required to register in the Trusted Agent Sponsorship System (TASS). Contractors who need to register are those who enter federal buildings, controlled spaces and require network access. Also needing CACs are those required to securely log in to DoD networks, systems, web sites, with the need to send encrypted email or electronically sign documents.
The following steps are required for obtaining a CAC:
- Request AKO user ID and password. Some contractors may need a sponsor to obtain an AKO account. Learn more about AKO.
- Contact their trusted agent to process their application via TASS.
- Schedule an appointment with the nearest ID Card office.
Once the TASS application is approved, the contractor will make an appointment or visit the ID card office with two forms of identification from the List of Acceptable Documents.