The Retirement Services Office (RSO) provides quality service, guidance, and information on benefits and entitlements to active-duty Soldiers and their Family Members preparing for retirement. The RSO assists Soldiers and Spouses in making a clear and concise Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) election prior to retirement. In addition to the above stated duties, the RSO also continues to provide service, updates, and guidance to all retirees, Spouses, Former Spouses, and their children.
Office access complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA)
For more information on Dept. of the Army Retirement Services, please visit https://soldierforlife.army.mil/retirement
For Veterans Affairs information visit www.va.gov.
Pre-Retirement Briefings: conducted 2nd Monday of each Month 10:00 – 11:00. Call RSO or e-mail usarmy.gregg-adams.imcom.mbx.gregg-adams-ima-rso@army.mil if there are any questions.
Retirement Ceremonies: Contact Installation Operation Center at (804) 734-6412 for more information.
Installation Retirement Ceremonies are conducted on a bi-monthly basis on the last Thursday of the month at 1500 for Fort Gregg-Adams and surrounding area to provide appropriate recognition for military retiring after long and faithful service.
Retiree Newsletter
Download the 2024 RSO Newsletter (PDF)
Scheduled Installation Retirement Ceremonies for 2025:
- Jan 30, 2025
- March 27, 2025
- May 22, 2025
- July 31, 2025
- Sep 25, 2025
- Nov 20, 2025
Survivor Benefit Plan: Please call for an appointment for the SBP Briefing.
The Department of Defense Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) program was established by Congress in 1972 to give retiring Soldiers a way to provide a portion of their retired pay to their eligible survivors should they pass away. Choosing to participate in the SBP program extends a portion of the benefit of retired pay past the lifetime of the Retired Soldier to their eligible survivor(s).
Virginia Department of Veteran Services: Providing assistance in filing for VA disability compensation, pre-discharge claims and survivor benefits. Visit or call the representative in Room 120E – 804-766-3512 or Room 120F – 804-766-3510.
Provide detailed pre-retirement and SBP briefings for all retiring Soldiers monthly or as required (encourage spouses to attend). Counsel Soldiers and Family members about retirement benefits and entitlements. |
Conduct group and individual SBP counseling for all retiring Soldiers and their Family members.
Conduct RCSBP counseling, as requested, for RC Soldiers, and their Family members within 60 days after receipt of the Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay for Non-Regular Service (15- or 20-year NOE). |
Assist retiring RC Soldiers and Family members, as requested, with completion of the DD Form 2656–5 (Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) Election Certificate), upon receipt of the Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay for Non-Regular Service (15- or 20-year NOE). |
Conduct group and individual pre-retirement briefings as needed. |
Assist retiring Soldiers and Family members with completion of DD Form 2656 (Data for Payment of Retired Personnel) and DD |
(SBP) Form 2656–1 (Survivor Benefit Plan Election Statement for Former Spouses Coverage), if applicable. |
Assist retiring RC Soldiers and Family members with completion of the retirement application including DD Form 108 (Application for Retired Pay Benefits), DD Form 2656, SF Form 1199A (Direct Deposit Sign-up Form), and DD Form 2656–5, if the RC Soldier deferred RCSBP election to non-regular retirement. |
Process the DD Form 2656 electronically using TRANSPROC to DFAS–CL. (Active Army only) |
Provide CSB/REDUX retirement pay option counseling and processing of the CSB election form, DD Form 2839 (if assigned as the installation CSB/REDUX point of contact). |
Provide information about retiring, such as retirement application processing, retirement orders, DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) processing, and final out-processing procedures. |
Provide information about Army Echoes and converting Soldiers’ Enterprise Email addresses in my Pay to commercial email addresses before retirement. |
Provide information and assistance to Soldiers, spouses, and former spouses about the USFSPA. |
Advise Soldiers about Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC) and assist them in applying for benefits. Advise Soldiers about Concurrent Retired and Disability Pay (CRDP). |
- Counsels and assists survivors of retired Soldiers and survivors of Soldiers who died on active duty regarding their SBP options, entitlements, and the proper processing of their SBP elections. The session includes counseling on Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and its relationship to SBP.
- Publishes and posts retiree newsletters on the website.
- Publishes periodic articles for installation and local newspapers.
- Conducts an annual Retiree Appreciation Day (RAD).
- Provides information and filing assistance for the "Annuities for Certain Military Surviving Spouses" -or ACMSS, also known as "Forgotten Widows".
- Provides information and assistance to Soldiers, spouses, and former spouses regarding the Uniformed Services Former Spouse's Protection Act (USFSPA).
- Assists/advises retired Soldiers in understanding and applying for combat-related special compensation (CRSC).
- Provides information to retired Soldiers on concurrent retirement and disability payments (CRDP).
- Assists retired Soldiers and Family members in obtaining copies of lost documents (i.e., DD Form 214, retirement orders, and medical records), re-issuance of military awards, and issuance of military ID Cards.
- Provides retired Soldiers and their Families with information and referrals on a myriad of other benefits and entitlements such as Veterans Affairs (VA), TRICARE medical and dental, and Social Security and Medicare benefits.
- View retired Soldier’s pay account
- View annuitants pay account
- Change allotments
- Change beneficiary information
- Change mailing address
- Change bank information
- Change tax filing and withholding status
- Request copies of the 1099-R form for tax filing purposes
- Request copies of the Retired Account Statement
Retirement services for Retired Soldiers and surviving spouses |
Publish Retired Soldier newsletters annually. Post a copy to the local Retirement Services Office web page. Conduct an annual Retiree appreciation day. |
Provide periodic articles for installation and local newspapers and other media. Advise Retired Soldiers about CRSC and assist them in applying for benefits. Advise Retired Soldiers about CRDP. |
Advise Retired Soldiers and Family members how to obtain copies of lost documents (for example, DD Form 214, DD Form 220 (Active Duty Report), retirement orders, and medical records); reissued military awards; and military identification cards. |
Provide Retired Soldiers and their Families with information and referrals for benefits/entitlements provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs, Tri-service medical care (TRICARE), Social Security, Medicare, and other providers. |
Inform Retired Soldiers of their eligibility to receive employment services on a space available basis for the rest of their lives. Use the DRAS to resolve pay matters and update personal information for Retired Soldiers, Family members, and survivors. |
Advise and assist Retired Soldiers in maintaining their SBP and RCSBP elections. |
Counsel and assist survivors of Retired Soldiers, and Soldiers who die on active duty about their SBP options and entitlements, and the proper processing of their SBP applications including counseling about Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and its relationship to SBP. |
Provide information and filing assistance for the Annuity for Certain Military Surviving Spouses. Provide information and assistance to Soldiers, spouses, and former spouses about the USFSPA |
Events & Newsletters
Pre-Retirement Seminar
February 28, 2025
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
August 29, 2025
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Retired Soldiers Appreciation Day
Saturday, September 27, 2025
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Experts such as a TRICARE education specialist, Retirement Services Office, Fort Gregg-Adams' Retired Soldiers Council and Kenner Medical Center will be available to provide service for any responses to any questions or comments needed.
Important Links
- Army Community Services
- Army G1 Website
- Army Reserve Personnel Command
- Army Retirement Services
- DFAS-Cleveland
- Kenner Army Health Clinic: 1-866-645-4584
- Social Security Administration
- Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
- Worldwide Relocation Information
- Worldwide Relocation Tools
- DD Form 2860 (Combat Related Special Compensation)
- Endorsement memorandum
- Officer retirement request
- W4
- W4-P