Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP), an employee may donate annual leave
directly to another employee who (1) is experiencing a personal or family medical emergency and (2)
has exhausted his or her available paid leave. This information is intended for direct employees of the Garrison. Those who work for tenant commands should reach out to their command for information.

The individuals below are approved recipients.


- Employees wishing to donate leave to the recipients above should complete the relevant form:
OPM 630-A, Leave Donor Application – Within Agency OR OPM 630-B, Leave Donor Application
Outside Agency.

- Employees wishing to enroll in the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP) should complete the
attached OPM 630, Application to Become Leave Recipient, and route it through their supervisory
chain for signature. Please be advised that the “Deciding Official” for VLTP enrollment is your
Organization’s Director. Supporting medical documentation must be submitted alongside your
application form.

Please send completed forms to Mrs. Cayla McCord at cayla.m.mccord.civ@army.mil for review and
confirmation. She is available via email and MS Teams to address questions or concerns.


Supervisors of VLTP recipients are responsible for monitoring the status of their employee’s medical
emergency and notifying the VLTP Coordinator of any changes. If the supervisor determines that the
employee’s medical emergency has ended, the employee must be notified of their possible
disenrollment and given an opportunity to respond before a final determination on VLTP removal is

VLPT Fact Sheet

If you have questions regarding enrollment or eligibility requirements, please contact the VLTP
Coordinator, Mrs. Cayla McCord at: cayla.m.mccord.civ@army.mil.