The Center Chaplain's Office is the face of Religious Support for the Fort Eisenhower Community. We have Chaplains and their Assistants all over post to help meet the needs of Servicemembers and their Families. We are the Army's home...gateway to readiness.
Fort Eisenhower Worship Services brochure
Click the link above for the latest Religious Services, Programs, and Bible Study times.
Religious Services Trifold
Click the link above for a trifold with the latest Religious Services, Programs, and Bible Study times.
The Continental Congress established chaplains as an integral part of the Continental Army on 29 July, 1775. Over the years, more than 25,000 chaplains have served in the U.S. Army as religious leaders. From military installations to deployed combat units, chaplains and chaplain assistants perform their ministries in the most religiously diverse
Always present with Soldiers in war and in peace, Army chaplains have served in all of America's major wars and combat engagements from the colonial era through the present day. Nearly 300 Army chaplains have laid down their lives in battle. Seven members of the Chaplain Corps have been awarded the Medal of Honor. Currently, more than 2,700 chaplains serve the Total Army representing 140 different religious organizations.