The Personnel Management Branch within the Military Personnel Services Division provides the following services:
In/Out-Processing (*Permanent Party Officers/Warrant Officers)
- Soldier is required to present a copy of (PCS/ADOS/AGR) orders and an absence request form (IPPS-A) for in-processing. We collect documents, the in-processing coversheet and create active files (TRADOC/NON-PSDR Units) to maintain in active records.
- Soldiers will complete installation and community level in-processing within 7 duty days.
- Soldiers are granted 10 duty days from date of absence request start date to receive DA Form 137-2 (Installation Clearance Record). They must have in their possession, unit level DA Form 137-1 (Unit Clearance Record), Absence Request form (IPPS-A) and copy of orders.
- Individuals receive reassignment notification via IPPS-A.
- The PMB reassignment team will pull Draft Assignments daily from IPPS-A.
- Officers/Warrant Officers (to include students) notifications are forwarded within 4 duty days with regards to CONUS/OCONUS requirements for order publication.
- Enlisted assignment notifications are forwarded by email to each unit of assignment S-1 on a weekly basis on a consolidated spreadsheet.
- The Soldier must complete the online Levy Briefing.
- All required documents from each individual Soldier must be processed through the respective unit of assignment S-1 office. Once all required documents are received and Soldier has completed their portion within IPPS-A the orders are processed.
- Soldiers that have family members enrolled in EFMP are processed within E-EFMP.
Compassionate, Deletions and Deferments:
- All requests are to be submitted via a PAR within IPPS-A and routed to the PMB for processing.
Enlisted Personnel Actions:
- Request for orders that award Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) and Skill Qualification Identifier (SQI)
- Request for Instructor(s) and First Sergeant (1SG) stabilization
- Request for Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP)
- Request for Defense Language Proficiency Test
- Request for Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus
Quick Links:
Ft. Eisenhower Online Levy Briefing