The Fort Eisenhower Personnel Automation Branch (PAB) manages installation personnel, accounting, strength reporting and the IPPS-A database for data accuracy and accepted timelines within the Department of the Army standards. We act as a liaison between Human Resources Command (HRC) and installation units by addressing ongoing IPPS-A and human resources issues/concerns and provide possible solutions or feedback to the installation with technical and functional support.
The PAB offers services within the following areas: IPPS-A User Assistance, installation level IPPS-A operations, Personnel Asset Inventory (PAI), and installation level support concerning the Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPAAS).
Strength Accounting Reports
Validate and Reconcile Strength Accounting Reports
S-1’s (and separate units) will produce the readiness report reflecting current unit composition after processing transactions that change unit strength. Unit Commanders must annotate and sign the readiness report. The unit designated human resources representative or unit IPPS-A HR Admin will provide to the Personnel Automations Branch (PAB) monthly as a mandatory requirement.
Validate the Personnel Asset Inventory (PAI)
PAIs are primarily conducted at company or battalion levels. The objectives of the PAI are:
The purpose of a PAI is to maintain timely, error-free personnel accountability, and to involve commanders at all levels in the strength accounting and reporting process. To reconcile the IPPS-A database with actual Soldiers present in the unit, whether assigned or attached to synchronize the IPPS-A database.
Provide IPPS-A User Assistance
Provide guidance and procedures for IPPS-A processes to end users
Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPAAS)
ADPAAS is the Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System. In the event of a natural or man-made disaster. It is imperative that Army leadership is aware of the physical whereabouts of all Army employees and their Family Members. Your active involvement in assessing your personal and Family Members’ information will ensure that the Army will better facilitate with support. Using the information provided within the ADPAAS system, the Army can dispatch search and recovery crews, assign case managers to meet your displaced/evacuation needs, and provide a smooth and orderly return to your home location.
During a disaster or exercise, all affected personnel (Soldiers, DA Civilians, and NAF employees) and dependents will self-account using ADPAAS utilizing the following steps:
Log on to ADPAAS at https://adpaas.army.mil
Click on “Assessment”.
If you're unable to self-assess, contact your unit ADPAAS Command Officer Representative (COR).
If the first two steps are unsuccessful, contact the Army Disaster Personnel Accountability Information Line at 1-800-833-6622 (NOTE: The ADPAAS Info Line can only reset your ADPAAS accounts so you can then return to Step 1 and self-assess).
If the first three steps are unsuccessful, contact your unit ADPAAS COR or higher headquarters for resolution.
For proper accountability, in accordance with AR 600-86, all personnel (Soldiers, DA Civilians, and NAF employees) will verify and update personal information for themselves and dependents in ADPAAS utilizing the following steps:
- Log on to ADPAAS at https://adpaas.army.mil
- Click on “My Info”
- Verify and update Contact Information
- Displaced Location (if applicable)
- Sponsor’s Contact Information
- Sponsor’s Work Location
- Emergency Contact
- Verify and update Family Member Information
- Update username and password